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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, 2H, M and N

HAMANTASCHhamantasch n. Singular of hamantaschen.
HAMANTASCH n. (Yiddish) a three-cornered pastry traditionally eaten during the Jewish festival Purim.
HARUMPHINGharumphing v. Present participle of harumph.
HARUMPH v. to clear one's throat noisily in annoyance, also HARRUMPH.
HATCHETMANhatchetman n. Alternative spelling of hatchet man.
hatchet␣man n. A male professional killer or gunman.
hatchet␣man n. (US, historical) A male hatchet-wielding participant in a Chinese-American tong war.
HATCHETMENhatchetmen n. Plural of hatchetman (alternative spelling of hatchet men).
hatchet␣men n. Plural of hatchet man (alternative spelling of hatchetmen).
HATCHMENTShatchments n. Plural of hatchment.
HATCHMENT n. a diamond-shaped escutcheon bearing a deceased person's arms.
HEATHENDOMheathendom n. The state of being heathen.
heathendom n. From one religion’s or creed’s perspective, the rest of the world that does not follow that creed or religion.
heathendom n. (Dated) Specifically, the non-Christian world; territories where Christianity is not the dominant religion.
HEATHENISMheathenism n. Paganism, heathendom.
HEATHENISM n. the state of being heathen, also HEATHENDOM, HEATHENESSE.
HENCHWOMANhenchwoman n. Female equivalent of henchman.
HENCHWOMAN n. a female henchman.
HETMANSHIPhetmanship n. The role or status of hetman.
HETMANSHIP n. the office of a hetman.
HIGHWAYMANhighwayman n. (Historical) A person, usually mounted on horseback, who robbed travelers on public roads.
HIGHWAYMAN n. a thief who robs travellers on a road.
HIGHWAYMENhighwaymen n. Plural of highwayman.
HIGHWAYMAN n. a thief who robs travellers on a road.
HUMANHOODSHUMANHOOD n. the state of being human.
HYPANTHIUMhypanthium n. (Botany) The bowl-shaped part of a flower on which the sepals, petals, and stamens are borne.
HYPANTHIUM n. a fruit consisting in large part of a receptacle, enlarged below the calyx, as in the rose hip and the pear.
KHANSAMAHSkhansamahs n. Plural of khansamah.
KHANSAMAH n. (Hindi) a house-steward or butler in India, also KHANSAMA.
PHANTOMISHphantomish adj. Ghostly.
PHANTOMISH adj. (archaic) relating to a phantom.
RHINOPHYMArhinophyma n. (Medicine) The condition of having a large, bulbous, ruddy nose caused by granulomatous infiltration…
RHINOPHYMA n. acne of the nose.
SHADCHANIMshadchanim n. Plural of shadchan.
SHADCHAN n. (Hebrew) a Jewish marriage broker, also SCHATCHEN, SHADKHAN.
SHADKHANIMshadkhanim n. Plural of shadkhan.
SHADKHAN n. (Hebrew) a Jewish marriage broker, also SCHATCHEN, SHADCHAN.
SHAMIANAHSshamianahs n. Plural of shamianah.
SHAMIANAH n. (Hindi) in India, a large tent, awning or canopy, also SHAMIANA, SHAMIYANAH.
SHAMIYANAHshamiyanah n. (Historical, Middle East) Alternative form of shamiana.
SHAMIYANAH n. (Hindi) in India, a large tent or awning, also SHAMIANA, SHAMIANAH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 83 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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