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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, G, N, O and X

APOPLEXINGAPOPLEX v. to affect with apoplexy.
AUTOSEXINGautosexing n. The identification of the sex of newborn chicks by their physical appearance, possible with certain breeds of poultry.
AUTOSEXING n. the act of self-sexing.
BEATBOXINGbeatboxing n. The practice of using one’s mouth, lips, tongue, voice, etc. as a percussive instrument to create beats…
beatboxing v. Present participle of beatbox.
beat-boxing n. Alternative form of beatboxing.
BOXHAULINGboxhauling v. Present participle of boxhaul.
BOXHAUL v. to put (a vessel) on the other tack by veering her short round on her heel.
CIGUATOXINciguatoxin n. (Toxicology) Any of several closely related toxins, having a complex structure including a row of thirteen…
CIGUATOXIN n. a toxin found in seafood.
CLANGBOXESCLANGBOX n. a deflector fitted to a jet engine to divert gas flow.
COANNEXINGCOANNEX v. to annex jointly.
GLYOXALINEglyoxaline n. (Organic chemistry) An organic base, C3H4N2, produced by the action of ammonia on glyoxal.
glyoxaline n. (Organic chemistry) Any of the series of which glyoxaline is a type.
GLYOXALINE n. any of a group of heterocyclic compounds produced by substitution in a five-membered ring containing two nitrogen atoms on either side of a carbon atom.
HEXAGYNOUShexagynous adj. (Botany) Having six styles.
HEXAGYNOUS adj. having six pistils, also HEXAGYNIAN.
OVERTAXINGovertaxing v. Present participle of overtax.
OVERTAX v. to tax too heavily.
OXYGENASESoxygenases n. Plural of oxygenase.
OXYGENASE n. an enzyme.
OXYGENATEDoxygenated v. Simple past tense and past participle of oxygenate.
oxygenated adj. (Chemistry) Containing oxygen, or oxygen-containing radicals, as substituents.
OXYGENATE v. to impregnate or treat with oxygen.
OXYGENATESoxygenates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of oxygenate.
OXYGENATE v. to impregnate or treat with oxygen.
OXYGENATORoxygenator n. Any device that releases oxygen (or air) into water, especially one in an aquarium.
OXYGENATOR n. an oxidizer.
SOAPBOXINGsoapboxing v. Present participle of soapbox.
SOAPBOX v. to give an opinion to the public.
XENOGAMIESXENOGAMY n. cross-fertilization.
XENOGAMOUSxenogamous adj. (Botany) Exhibiting or relating to xenogamy.
XENOGAMOUS adj. relating to xenogamy, cross-fertilization.
XENOGRAFTSxenografts n. Plural of xenograft.
XENOGRAFT n. a graft of tissue between individuals of different species.
XYLOPHAGANxylophagan n. Any wood-boring marine bivalve of the genus Xylophaga, which bores into wood.
XYLOPHAGAN n. one of a tribe of beetles whose larvae bore or live in wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 104 words
  • Scrabble in French: 31 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 18 words

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