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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, G, I, P and V

GRAPEVINESgrapevines n. Plural of grapevine.
GRAPEVINE n. a grape-bearing vine.
OVERPAYINGoverpaying v. Present participle of overpay.
OVERPAY v. to pay too much.
PALAVERINGpalavering n. Gerund of palaver: the act of one who palavers.
palavering v. Present participle of palaver.
PALAVER v. to talk profusely or idly.
PERVIATINGPERVIATE v. to make a way through.
PICOWAVINGPICOWAVE v. to irradiate (food) with gamma rays.
PREVAILINGprevailing adj. Predominant; of greatest force.
prevailing adj. Prevalent, common, widespread.
prevailing v. Present participle of prevail.
PREVALUINGPREVALUE v. to value beforehand.
PROVANTINGprovanting v. Present participle of provant.
PROVANT v. (obsolete) to supply with provisions.
PURGATIVESpurgatives n. Plural of purgative.
PURGATIVE n. a medicine that empties the intestines.
REVAMPINGSrevampings n. Plural of revamping.
REVAMPING n. renovation.
VAGOTROPICvagotropic adj. Stimulating the vagus nerve.
VAGOTROPIC adj. of a drug, affecting the activity of the vagus nerve.
VANPOOLINGvanpooling v. Present participle of vanpool.
VANPOOLING n. the practice of sharing a van.
VAPORISINGvaporising v. Present participle of vaporise.
VAPORISE v. to turn into vapor, also VAPORIZE.
VAPORIZINGvaporizing v. Present participle of vaporize.
VAPORIZE v. to turn into vapor, also VAPORISE.
VAPOURINGSvapourings n. Plural of vapouring.
VAPOURING n. the act of vapouring.
VAPULATINGvapulating v. Present participle of vapulate.
VAPULATE v. to flog; to be flogged.
VARITYPINGvarityping v. Present participle of varitype.
VARITYPE v. to produce copy on a special typewriter.
VIBROGRAPHvibrograph n. An instrument that records vibrations.
VIBROGRAPH n. an instrument for recording vibrations.
VOLPLANINGvolplaning v. Present participle of volplane.
VOLPLANE v. to glide in an aeroplane.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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