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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing A, G, I, M and X

EXCLAIMINGexclaiming v. Present participle of exclaim.
exclaiming n. Exclamation.
EXCLAIM v. to cry out in surprise.
EXERGAMINGexergaming n. The playing of video games that also provide the player with physical exercise.
EXERGAMING n. the playing of video games that require rigorous physical exercise and are intended as a workout.
EXHUMATINGexhumating v. Present participle of exhumate.
EXHUMATE v. to dig out from the earth, also EXHUME.
MALAXATINGmalaxating v. Present participle of malaxate.
MALAXATE v. to soften by kneading, also MALAX.
MAXIMISINGmaximising v. Present participle of maximise.
MAXIMISE v. to make as great as possible, also MAXIMIZE.
MAXIMIZINGmaximizing v. Present participle of maximize.
MAXIMIZE v. to make as great as possible, also MAXIMISE.
MEGAPIXELSmegapixels n. Plural of megapixel.
MEGAPIXEL n. one million pixels.
MINIMAXINGminimaxing v. Present participle of minimax.
MINIMAX v. to minimize the maximum possible extent of one's loss.
XENOGAMIESXENOGAMY n. cross-fertilization.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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