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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, G, 2H and L

DASHLIGHTSdashlights n. Plural of dashlight.
DASHLIGHT n. a light illuminating the dashboard of an automobile, esp. at night.
EARTHLIGHTearthlight n. Sunlight reflected from the Earth’s surface.
EARTHLIGHT n. the faint light visible on parts of the moon not illuminated by the sun.
FLASHLIGHTflashlight n. (US, Canada) A battery-powered hand-held light source.
flashlight n. A flashgun (device used to create flashes of light for photography).
flashlight n. (Obsolete) A photograph taken with a flash camera.
HATCHELINGhatcheling v. Present participle of hatchel.
HATCHEL v. to separate flax fibres with a comb, also HACKLE, HECKLE.
HATCHLINGShatchlings n. Plural of hatchling.
HATCHLING n. a creature just hatched.
HEADLIGHTSheadlights n. Plural of headlight; especially a pair on a single vehicle.
HEADLIGHT n. a strong light on the front of a vehicle.
HELIOGRAPHheliograph n. An apparatus for signalling by means of a moveable mirror which reflects flashes of sunlight.
heliograph n. A heliogram.
heliograph n. An instrument for measuring the intensity of sunlight.
HIDALGOISHhidalgoish adj. Like or characteristic of a hidalgo.
HIDALGOISH adj. like a hidalgo, a Spanish nobleman of the lower class.
HIGHBALLEDhighballed v. Simple past tense and past participle of highball.
HIGHBALL v. to go at great speed.
HIGHLANDERhighlander n. A person who inhabits the Scottish Highlands.
highlander n. Any person who lives in mountainous or hilly terrain.
highlander n. (Collectible card games, often capitalized) A game format in which players are allowed no more than…
HIGHTAILEDhightailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of hightail.
HIGHTAIL v. to retreat rapidly.
HOLOGRAPHSholographs n. Plural of holograph.
HOLOGRAPH n. a text written entirely in its author's handwriting.
HOLOGRAPHYholography n. (Physics) a technique for recording, and then reconstructing, the amplitude and phase distributions…
HOLOGRAPHY n. the technique or process of making or using holograms.
HORSELAUGHhorselaugh n. A loud, boisterous laugh.
horse␣laugh n. Alternative form of horselaugh.
HORSELAUGH n. a loud, boisterous laugh.
LITHOGRAPHlithograph n. A printed image produced by lithography.
lithograph v. To create a copy of an image through lithography.
LITHOGRAPH v. to produce by lithography.
PLOUGHHEADploughhead n. The clevis or draught iron of a plough.
PLOUGHHEAD n. the draught iron of a plough, also PLOWHEAD.
SHAUCHLINGshauchling v. Present participle of shauchle.
shauchling adj. Shambling.
SHAUCHLE v. (Scots) to shuffle.
SHILLELAGHshillelagh n. (Ireland) A wooden (traditionally blackthorn (sloe) wood) club ending with a large knob.
shillelagh n. Any cudgel, whether or not of Irish origin.
Shillelagh prop.n. A village in County Wicklow, Ireland.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 87 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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