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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, 2G, L and M

ALMSGIVINGalmsgiving n. The act of voluntarily giving alms, of making donations to the poor, charity.
ALMSGIVING n. the act of giving alms.
DAMAGINGLYdamagingly adv. In a damaging manner.
DAMAGING adv. DAMAGE, to damage.
GALUMPHINGgalumphing v. (Nonce word) Galloping in a triumphant manner.
galumphing v. Present participle of galumph.
GALUMPH v. to move with a clumsy heavy tread, also GALLUMPH.
GAMBOLLINGgambolling v. (Britain) present participle of gambol.
gambolling n. The act of one who gambols.
GAMBOL v. to leap about playfully.
GANGLIFORMgangliform adj. (Anatomy) Having the form of a ganglion.
GANGLIFORM adj. in the form of a ganglion, a nerve centre, a tumour in a tendon sheath.
GARGOYLISMgargoylism n. The dysmorphic facial features found in Hurler’s syndrome and Hunter syndrome, characterized by thickened…
GARGOYLISM n. a rare condition characterised by grotesque physical deformity and severe mental disablement.
GIMBALLINGgimballing v. Present participle of gimbal.
GIMBAL v. to support on a set of rings allowing free movement, also GYMBAL.
GLAMOURINGglamouring v. Present participle of glamour.
GLAMOUR v. to bewitch, also GLAMOR.
GLEAMINGLYgleamingly adv. While gleaming, or so as to gleam.
GLEAMING adv. shining.
LOGJAMMINGLOGJAMMING n. the act of creating a logjam.
MAGALOGUESmagalogues n. Plural of magalogue.
MAGALOGUE n. a large mail-order catalog in the form of a magazine, also MAGALOG.
PILGRIMAGEpilgrimage n. A journey made to a sacred place, or a religious journey.
pilgrimage n. (By extension) A visit to any site revered or associated with a meaningful event.
pilgrimage v. To go on a pilgrimage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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