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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, F, G, M and U

AUSFORMINGausforming v. Present participle of ausform.
AUSFORMING n. the act of deforming, quenching, and tempering a metal.
CAMOUFLAGEcamouflage n. A disguise or covering up.
camouflage n. The act of disguising.
camouflage n. (Military) The use of natural or artificial material on personnel, objects, or tactical positions with…
FASTIGIUMSFASTIGIUM n. (Latin) the apex of a building; a gable-end; a pediment.
FLAGELLUMSflagellums n. Plural of flagellum.
FLAGELLUM n. (Latin) a long slender plant shoot.
FUMIGATINGfumigating v. Present participle of fumigate.
FUMIGATE v. to subject to fumes to kill pests.
FUMIGATIONfumigation n. The act of fumigating, or applying smoke or vapor, as for disinfection.
fumigation n. Vapor raised in the process of fumigating.
FUMIGATION n. the act of fumigating.
FUMIGATORSfumigators n. Plural of fumigator.
FUMIGATOR n. one who fumigates.
FUMIGATORYfumigatory adj. Having the quality of purifying by smoke.
FUMIGATORY adj. having the quality of purifying by smoke.
MEANINGFULmeaningful adj. Having meaning, significant.
MEANINGFUL adj. having a meaning or purpose.
MEGAFAUNAEMEGAFAUNA n. the large or macroscopic animals, esp. the large vertebrates, of a given area, habitat, or epoch.
MEGAFAUNALmegafaunal adj. Of or pertaining to the megafauna.
MEGAFAUNAL adj. relating to megafauna, large animals.
MEGAFAUNASmegafaunas n. Plural of megafauna.
MEGAFAUNA n. the large or macroscopic animals, esp. the large vertebrates, of a given area, habitat, or epoch.
RAGAMUFFINragamuffin n. A dirty, shabbily-clothed child; an urchin.
ragamuffin n. A breed of domestic cat which is an offshoot from the Ragdoll.
Ragamuffin n. A domestic cat of a particular heavy, muscular, short-necked breed.
SUFFRAGISMsuffragism n. (Historical) A political movement in the late 19th century that fought for women’s right to vote in…
SUFFRAGISM n. voting rights.
VERMIFUGALvermifugal adj. (Medicine) Tending to prevent, destroy, or expel worms or vermin; anthelmintic.
VERMIFUGAL adj. serving to expel worms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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