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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, E, J and 2R

CARJACKERScarjackers n. Plural of carjacker.
CARJACKER n. one who steals cars by holding up their owners and demanding the keys.
JARDINIEREjardiniere n. A plantstand or flowerpot, especially one made of decorated pottery or porcelain.
jardiniere n. Vegetables served as a garnish over meat.
jardinière n. An ornamental pot for the display of live or cut flowers; a planter.
JARGONEERSjargoneers n. Plural of jargoneer.
JARGONEER n. a person who uses jargon, also JARGONIST.
JARLSBERGSJARLSBERG n. (tradename) a Norwegian cheese.
JASPERWAREjasperware n. (Ceramics) A form of pottery that has a stoneware body which is either white or colored, which is noted…
jasper␣ware n. Alternative spelling of jasperware.
JASPERWARE n. goods made of jasper.
JAWBREAKERjawbreaker n. A large, extremely hard, boiled candy, typically spherical.
jawbreaker n. A long, hard-to-pronounce word.
jawbreaker n. (Boxing, slang) A hard blow to the side of the face.
JAWCRUSHERJAWCRUSHER n. a heavy-duty rock-breaking machine with hinged jaws.
JEOPARDERSjeoparders n. Plural of jeoparder.
JEOPARDER n. one who puts in jeopardy.
JERKWATERSjerkwaters n. Plural of jerkwater.
jerk-waters n. Plural of jerk-water.
JERKWATER n. a train on a branch line.
READJUSTERreadjuster n. One who, or that which, readjusts.
readjuster n. (US, historical) One who advocates a refund, and sometimes a partial repudiation, of a state’s debt…
READJUSTER n. one who readjusts.
REJONEADORrejoneador n. (Bullfighting) A mounted bullfighter whose task is to provoke the bull.
REJONEADOR n. (Spanish) a mounted bullfighter who uses rejones, a lance with a wooden handle.
SERJEANTRYserjeantry n. Obsolete form of serjeanty.
SERJEANTRY n. a condition of tenure by service in person to the king, also SERGEANTY, SERJEANTY.
TEARJERKERtearjerker n. (Informal) An emotionally charged film, novel, song, opera, television episode, etc., usually with one…
tear-jerker n. Alternative form of tearjerker.
tear␣jerker n. Alternative spelling of tearjerker.
TRAJECTORYtrajectory n. The path an object takes as it moves.
trajectory n. (Astronomy, space science) The path of a body as it travels through space.
trajectory n. (Cybernetics) The ordered set of intermediate states assumed by a dynamical system as a result of time evolution.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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