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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, E, G, N and Q

BANQUETINGbanqueting v. Present participle of banquet.
banqueting n. The act of holding or participating in a banquet.
BANQUETING n. feasting.
BARBEQUINGbarbequing v. Present participle of barbeque.
BARBEQUE v. to grill over an open fire, also BARBECUE.
COEQUATINGcoequating v. Present participle of coequate.
COEQUATE v. to equate with something else.
EQUALISINGequalising v. Present participle of equalise.
EQUALISE v. to make equal, also EQUALIZE.
EQUALIZINGequalizing v. Present participle of equalize.
EQUALIZE v. to make equal, also EQUALISE.
EQUIPAGINGequipaging v. Present participle of equipage.
EQUIPAGE v. to fit out with a retinue.
GAMINESQUEgaminesque adj. Like a gamin or gamine; mischievously charming without sophistication.
GAMINESQUE adj. playful; impish; boyish.
LACQUERINGlacquering v. Present participle of lacquer.
lacquering n. An application of lacquer.
LACQUERING n. a coating of lacquer.
LACQUEYINGlacqueying v. Present participle of lacquey.
LACQUEY v. to serve in a servile manner, also LACKEY.
PARQUETINGparqueting v. Present participle of parquet.
PARQUET v. (French) to cover a floor with an inlaid design.
QUADRANGLEquadrangle n. (Geometry) A geometric shape with four angles and four straight sides; a four-sided polygon.
quadrangle n. A courtyard which is quadrangular.
quadrangle n. The buildings forming the border of such a courtyard.
QUAGGINESSquagginess n. The quality of being quaggy.
QUAGGINESS n. the state of being quaggy.
QUARRELINGquarreling v. US standard spelling of quarrelling.
quarreling n. US standard spelling of quarrelling.
QUARRELING n. te act of having a quarrel.
QUARTERINGquartering v. Present participle of quarter.
quartering n. A division into four parts.
quartering n. The act of providing housing for military personnel, especially when imposed upon the home of a private citizen.
QUAVERINGSquaverings n. Plural of quavering.
QUAVERING n. the act of quavering.
RACQUETINGracqueting v. Present participle of racquet.
RACQUET v. to strike with a racquet.
SQUEAKINGSsqueakings n. Plural of squeaking.
SQUEAKING n. the act of squeaking.
SQUEALINGSsquealings n. Plural of squealing.
SQUEALING n. the act of making a squeal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 43 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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