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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing A, E, F, R and X

AFFIXTURESaffixtures n. Plural of affixture.
AFFIXTURE n. something affixed, also AFFIXMENT.
CARNIFEXEScarnifexes n. Plural of carnifex.
CARNIFEX n. (Latin) an executioner, esp. the public executioner in ancient Rome.
EXFILTRATEexfiltrate v. (Military) To withdraw troops surreptitiously from a dangerous position.
exfiltrate v. (Computing) To covertly extract data.
exfiltrate n. That which is exfiltrated, the removed substance or item.
EXFOLIATORexfoliator n. An exfoliant.
EXFOLIATOR n. an exfoliating agent.
FRAXINELLAfraxinella n. A fragrant herb in the rue family, Dictamnus albus.
FRAXINELLA n. a perennial herb of the rue family.
PREFIXALLYprefixally adv. In a prefixal manner.
PREFIXAL adv. pertaining to a prefix.
RALOXIFENEraloxifene n. (Pharmacology) A drug used orally in the form of its hydrochloride C28H27NO4S·HCl as prophylaxis against…
REAFFIXINGreaffixing v. Present participle of reaffix.
REAFFIX v. to affix again.
SAXIFRAGESsaxifrages n. Plural of saxifrage.
SAXIFRAGE n. a kind of rock plant.
TRANSFIXEDtransfixed adj. Rendered motionless by completely focused attention, rapt, entranced, mesmerized.
transfixed v. Simple past tense and past participle of transfix.
TRANSFIX v. to impale.
TRANSFIXEStransfixes n. Plural of transfix.
transfixes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of transfix.
TRANSFIX v. to impale.
WAXFLOWERSwaxflowers n. Plural of waxflower.
WAXFLOWER n. any of various plants with waxy flowers.
XENOGRAFTSxenografts n. Plural of xenograft.
XENOGRAFT n. a graft of tissue between individuals of different species.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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