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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, 2E, J and O

BANJOLELESbanjoleles n. Plural of banjolele.
BANJOLELE n. a four-stringed musical instrument with a neck like a ukulele and a body like a banjo, also BANJULELE.
CAJOLEMENTcajolement n. The act of cajoling or the state of being cajoled.
CAJOLEMENT n. the act of cajoling; the state of being cajoled.
CAJOLERIEScajoleries n. Plural of cajolery.
CAJOLERY n. persuasion by flattery.
JACKEROOEDjackerooed v. Simple past tense and past participle of jackeroo.
JACKEROO v. to work as a newcomer at a sheep farm, also JACKAROO.
JARGONEERSjargoneers n. Plural of jargoneer.
JARGONEER n. a person who uses jargon, also JARGONIST.
JARGONELLEjargonelle n. A variety of pear.
JARGONELLE n. (French) an early variety of pear, also JARGONEL.
JEALOUSESTjealousest adj. Superlative form of jealous: most jealous.
JEALOUS adj. resentful of another's advantages, also GEALOUS.
JEALOUSIESjealousies n. Plural of jealousy.
JEALOUSY n. a jealous feeling, also GEALOUSY, GELOSY.
JEOPARDERSjeoparders n. Plural of jeoparder.
JEOPARDER n. one who puts in jeopardy.
JEOPARDIEDjeopardied v. Simple past tense and past participle of jeopardy.
JEOPARDY v. to put into jeopardy.
JEOPARDIESjeopardies n. Plural of jeopardy.
JEOPARDY v. to put into jeopardy.
JEOPARDISEjeopardise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of jeopardize.
JEOPARDISE v. to expose to loss or injury, also JEOPARDIZE.
JEOPARDIZEjeopardize v. (US) To put in jeopardy, to threaten.
JEOPARDIZE v. to expose to loss or injury, also JEOPARDISE.
JOHANNESESjohanneses n. Plural of johannes.
JOHANNES n. an obsolete Portuguese gold coin, named from the figure of King John which it bears, also JOANNES.
JOLTERHEADjolterhead n. Alternative form of jolthead.
jolter␣head n. A large, clumsy head; a blockhead; a dunce.
JOLTERHEAD n. (archaic) a clumsy oaf, a blockhead, also JOLTHEAD.
JOURNALESEjournalese n. A style of writing used in some newspapers and magazines, characterized by cliché, hyperbolic language…
JOURNALESE n. the jargon of bad journalism.
MAJORETTESmajorettes n. Plural of majorette.
MAJORETTE n. a member of a group of girls who march in parades etc.
MEGAJOULESmegajoules n. Plural of megajoule.
mega-joules n. Plural of mega-joule.
MEGAJOULE n. a million joules.
PEJORATIVEpejorative adj. Disparaging, belittling or derogatory.
pejorative n. A disparaging, belittling, or derogatory word or expression.
PEJORATIVE adj. implying or imputing evil.
REJONEADORrejoneador n. (Bullfighting) A mounted bullfighter whose task is to provoke the bull.
REJONEADOR n. (Spanish) a mounted bullfighter who uses rejones, a lance with a wooden handle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 90 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 772 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 139 words

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