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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2N and Z

ACTINOZOANactinozoan n. Synonym of actinozoon.
ACTINOZOAN n. any of a class of marine coelenterates.
ANTICIZINGanticizing v. Present participle of anticize.
ANTICIZE v. to play antics, also ANTICISE.
BENZOCAINEbenzocaine n. (Pharmacology) A local anesthetic commonly used as a topical pain reliever.
BENZOCAINE n. a drug used as a local anaesthetic.
CANALIZINGcanalizing v. Present participle of canalize.
CANALIZE v. to dig an artificial waterway through, also CANALISE.
CANCRIZANScancrizans n. (Music) A type of canon in which the imitating voice repeats the notes of the theme in reverse order.
CANCRIZANS adj. of a canon, having the imitating vocal part repeating the theme backwards.
CANONIZERSCANONIZER n. one who canonises, also CANONISER.
CANONIZINGcanonizing v. Present participle of canonize.
CANONIZE v. to declare to be a saint, also CANONISE.
CANTONIZEDcantonized v. Simple past tense and past participle of cantonize.
CANTONIZE v. to divide (a town etc.) into separate regions according to the religion or ethnic origins of the inhabitants, also CANTONISE.
CANTONIZEScantonizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cantonize.
CANTONIZE v. to divide (a town etc.) into separate regions according to the religion or ethnic origins of the inhabitants, also CANTONISE.
CANZONETTAcanzonetta n. A style of popular Italian secular vocal composition which originated around 1560, or a piece composed in this style.
CANZONETTA n. (Italian) a short canzone, also CANZONET.
CANZONETTEcanzonette n. Alternative form of canzonet.
CANZONETTA n. (Italian) a short canzone, also CANZONET.
CAPONIZINGcaponizing v. Present participle of caponize.
CAPONIZE v. to castrate a rooster, also CAPONISE.
CHANNELIZEchannelize v. To form a channel, especially by deepening or altering the course of a river.
channelize v. (Transitive) To transmit through a channel.
channelize v. (Transitive) To multiplex (messages) through a single line.
COGNIZANCEcognizance n. An emblem, badge or device, used as a distinguishing mark by the body of retainers of a royal or noble house.
cognizance n. Notice or awareness.
cognizance n. Jurisdiction.
FRANCIZINGfrancizing v. Present participle of francize.
FRANCIZE v. (Canadian) to make or become French-speaking, also FRANCISE.
LANZKNECHTlanzknecht n. Alternative form of lansquenet.
LANZKNECHT n. (German) a mercenary foot-soldier of the 16th century, also LANDSKNECHT, LANSQUENET.
UNCANONIZEuncanonize v. (Transitive) To deprive of canonical authority.
uncanonize v. (Transitive) To reduce from the rank of a canonized saint.
UNCANONIZE v. to deprive of canonical authority, also UNCANONISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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