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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2H and M

AMPHIBRACHamphibrach n. (Prosody) A metrical foot in ancient Greek or Latin consisting of two short syllables surrounding one…
amphibrach n. (Prosody) A metrical foot in modern prosody, consisting of three syllables, the middle one of which…
AMPHIBRACH n. a foot of three syllables, the middle one long, the first and last short.
ARRHYTHMICarrhythmic adj. (Music) Without rhythm.
arrhythmic adj. (Pathology) Suffering from cardiac arrhythmia.
ARRHYTHMIC adj. with an irregular rhythm, also ARHYTHMIC, ARYTHMIC.
GAMAHUCHEDgamahuched v. Simple past tense and past participle of gamahuche.
GAMAHUCHE v. to practise cunnilingus or fellatio, also GAMARUCHE.
GAMAHUCHESGAMAHUCHE v. to practise cunnilingus or fellatio, also GAMARUCHE.
HAMANTASCHhamantasch n. Singular of hamantaschen.
HAMANTASCH n. (Yiddish) a three-cornered pastry traditionally eaten during the Jewish festival Purim.
HAMSHACKLEhamshackle v. (Transitive) To tie (an animal) by a rope binding the head to one of the forelegs.
hamshackle v. (Transitive, figurative) To bind or restrain; to impose restrictions upon.
HAMSHACKLE v. to fetter; to restrain.
HATCHETMANhatchetman n. Alternative spelling of hatchet man.
hatchet␣man n. A male professional killer or gunman.
hatchet␣man n. (US, historical) A male hatchet-wielding participant in a Chinese-American tong war.
HATCHETMENhatchetmen n. Plural of hatchetman (alternative spelling of hatchet men).
hatchet␣men n. Plural of hatchet man (alternative spelling of hatchetmen).
HATCHMENTShatchments n. Plural of hatchment.
HATCHMENT n. a diamond-shaped escutcheon bearing a deceased person's arms.
HEMACHROMEhemachrome n. Alternative form of haemachrome.
HEMACHROME n. a blood pigment, such as haemoglobin, that carries oxygen, also HAEMACHROME.
HENCHWOMANhenchwoman n. Female equivalent of henchman.
HENCHWOMAN n. a female henchman.
MASHGICHIMmashgichim n. Plural of mashgiach.
MASHGIACH n. (Hebrew) a person who ensures adherence to kosher rules, also MASHGIAH.
MEGACHURCHmegachurch n. A church with an atypically large congregation.
mega-church n. Alternative spelling of megachurch.
MEGACHURCH n. a church, usually Protestant, with a very large congregation, typically housed in a complex offering sophisticated multimedia presentations and a range of secular facilities and services.
OPHTHALMICophthalmic adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to the eyes.
ophthalmic adj. Visionary, looking to the future.
OPHTHALMIC adj. pertaining to or connected with the eye.
RHYTHMICALrhythmical adj. Rhythmic.
RHYTHMICAL adj. according to rhythm, also RHYTHMIC.
SACHEMSHIPsachemship n. The office or position of a sachem.
SACHEMSHIP n. the office or condition of a sachem.
SHADCHANIMshadchanim n. Plural of shadchan.
SHADCHAN n. (Hebrew) a Jewish marriage broker, also SCHATCHEN, SHADKHAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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