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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, 2C and 2U

ACCOUCHEURaccoucheur n. (Medicine) A person, especially a man, who delivers a baby (in childbirth).
ACCOUCHEUR n. (French) a male midwife.
ACCULTURALACCULTURAL adj. relating to acculturation, modification in a culture by the adoption of outside cultural traits.
ACCUMULATEaccumulate v. (Transitive) To heap up in a mass; to pile up; to collect or bring together (either literally or figuratively).
accumulate v. (Intransitive) To gradually grow or increase in quantity or number.
accumulate v. (Education, dated) To take a higher degree at the same time with a lower degree, or at a shorter interval than usual.
CACUMINOUScacuminous adj. (Rare) Having a pyramidal top.
CACUMINOUS adj. with pointed or pyramidal top.
CALCULUSEScalculuses n. Plural of calculus.
CALCULUS n. (Latin) a branch of mathematics.
CAOUTCHOUCcaoutchouc n. Latex; natural rubber.
CAOUTCHOUC n. (Quechua) un-vulcanized natural rubber.
CARUNCULARcaruncular adj. Of, relating to, or like, a caruncle.
caruncular adj. Furnished with caruncles.
CAUCUSSINGcaucussing v. Present participle of caucus.
CAUCUSSING n. the act of holding a caucus.
CAULICULUScauliculus n. (Architecture) In the Corinthian capital, one of the eight stalks rising out of the lower leafage and…
CAULICULUS n. one of the slender stems springing from the caules or main stalks supporting the volutes in the Corinthian capital.
CUCULLATEDcucullated adj. Having a hood or cowl; hooded.
cucullated adj. (Zoology, botany) Having a hood-like covering or component; hood-shaped.
cucullated adj. (Botany) Having the edges toward the base rolled inward, as the leaf of the commonest American blue violet.
CUCURBITALcucurbital adj. Cucurbitaceous.
CUCURBITAL adj. of or like a cucurbit.
CURRICULARcurricular adj. Of, relating to, or following a curriculum.
CURRICULAR adj. relating to a curriculum.
CURVACEOUScurvaceous adj. (Of a woman) Having shapely and voluptuous curves; curvy.
CURVACEOUS adj. pleasingly curved, also CURVACIOUS.
CURVACIOUScurvacious adj. Alternative form of curvaceous.
CURVACIOUS adj. pleasingly curved, also CURVACEOUS.
FASCICULUSfasciculus n. (Anatomy) A small bundle of nerve, muscle or tendon fibers.
fasciculus n. One of the divisions of a book published in separate parts; a fascicle.
FASCICULUS n. (Latin) a little bundle; a fascicle, also FASCICLE, FASCICULE.
JUNCACEOUSjuncaceous adj. Rushy; rushlike.
JUNCACEOUS adj. of or pertaining to rushes.
MUCKAMUCKSmuckamucks n. Plural of muckamuck.
muck-a-mucks n. Plural of muck-a-muck.
MUCKAMUCK n. (Canadian) food.
SUCCURSALE n. a branch or subsidiary establishment, esp. religious, also SUCCURSAL.
SUCCURSALSsuccursals n. Plural of succursal.
SUCCURSAL n. a branch or subsidiary establishment, esp. religious, also SUCCURSALE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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