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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing A, B, C and 2H

AMPHIBRACHamphibrach n. (Prosody) A metrical foot in ancient Greek or Latin consisting of two short syllables surrounding one…
amphibrach n. (Prosody) A metrical foot in modern prosody, consisting of three syllables, the middle one of which…
AMPHIBRACH n. a foot of three syllables, the middle one long, the first and last short.
ARCHBISHOParchbishop n. A senior bishop who is in charge of an archdiocese, and presides over a group of dioceses called a province…
ARCHBISHOP n. a bishop at the head of an ecclesiastical province or one of equivalent honorary rank.
BACHARACHSBACHARACH n. (German) a wine from Bacharach, on the Rhine.
BACKSHEESHbacksheesh n. Alternative spelling of baksheesh.
backsheesh v. Alternative spelling of baksheesh.
BACKSHEESH n. (Persian) in Eastern countries, a gift or present of money, a tip.
BATHYSCAPHbathyscaph n. Alternative spelling of bathyscaphe.
BATHYSCAPH n. a submersible observation chamber, also BATHYSCAPHE.
BEACHHEADSbeachheads n. Plural of beachhead.
beach-heads n. Plural of beach-head.
beach␣heads n. Plural of beach head.
BUSHWHACKSbushwhacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bushwhack.
BUSHWHACK v. to shoot from ambush.
HATCHBACKShatchbacks n. Plural of hatchback.
HATCHBACK n. a car with a certain type of liftable back.
HUNCHBACKShunchbacks n. Plural of hunchback.
HUNCHBACK n. a person whose spine is convexly curved to an abnormal degree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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