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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, R, V and Y

ABRASIVELYabrasively adv. In an abrasive manner; in a rude and unkind manner; acting in a way that may hurt other people’s feelings.
abrasively adv. Hardly; roughly; in a rough manner.
ABRASIVE adv. capable of grinding away another material.
ACERVATELYacervately adv. In an acervate manner.
ACERVATE adv. heaped.
ADVISATORYadvisatory adj. (Law) Advisory.
ADVISATORY adj. having the attribute of advising, also ADVISORY.
ADVOCATORYadvocatory adj. Characteristic of an advocate.
ADVOCATORY adj. of or pertaining to an advocate.
ALVEOLARLYalveolarly adv. In an alveolar manner.
ALVEOLAR adv. pertaining to an alveolus; pronounced with tongue and alveolus.
APPROVABLYapprovably adv. In an approvable manner; in a manner that is able to be approved.
APPROVABLE adv. worthy of being approved; meritorious.
ARCHIVALLYarchivally adv. By archival means.
archivally adv. In archival terms.
CAVALIERLYcavalierly adv. In a cavalier manner.
CAVALIER adv. careless.
CAVALRYMANcavalryman n. A soldier in the cavalry.
CAVALRYMAN n. a cavalry soldier.
CAVALRYMENcavalrymen n. Plural of cavalryman.
CAVALRYMAN n. a cavalry soldier.
FAVOURABLYfavourably adv. (Britain, Canada) In a favourable manner.
FAVOURABLE adv. conducive to, also FAVORABLE.
GRAVEYARDSgraveyards n. Plural of graveyard.
GRAVEYARD n. a burial ground.
INVARIABLYinvariably adv. Every time; always, without change.
INVARIABLE adv. not varying, also UNVARIABLE.
INVARIANCYinvariancy n. Alternative form of invariance.
INVARIANCY n. the state of being invariant, also INVARIANCE.
SLAVOCRACYslavocracy n. (US, chiefly historical) The persons or interest representing slavery politically, or wielding political…
SLAVOCRACY n. slave-owners collectively.
ULTRAHEAVYultraheavy adj. (Physics, chemistry) Describing any atom that has a very large atomic weight; especially those that…
ultraheavy adj. Extremely or exceedingly heavy; of utmost heaviness.
ULTRAHEAVY adj. very very heavy.
VALIDATORYvalidatory adj. That serves to validate.
VALIDATORY adj. relating to validation.
VARIETALLYvarietally adv. With regard to variety.
VARIETAL adv. of or having the character of a variety.
VASCULARLYvascularly adv. Via the blood vessels.
VASCULAR adv. pertaining to ducts that convey body fluids.
VOCABULARYvocabulary n. A usually alphabetized and explained collection of words e.g. of a particular field, or prepared for…
vocabulary n. The collection of words a person knows and uses.
vocabulary n. The stock of words used in a particular field.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 98 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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