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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2M and U

AMATEURISMamateurism n. Amateur beliefs and practices generally.
amateurism n. The opinion or conviction that sports ought not to be played for money.
AMATEURISM n. the state of being an amateur.
AMBULACRUMambulacrum n. (Of an echinoderm) A row of pores for the protrusion of appendages such as tube feet.
AMBULACRUM n. a radial band in the shell of an echinoderm, bearing rows of pores through which the tube-feet protrude.
AMMONIACUMammoniacum n. Gum ammoniac, a resin exuded from the stem of the perennial herb Dorema ammoniacum.
AMMONIACUM n. gum ammoniac.
AUTOMATISMautomatism n. Acting automatically or involuntarily.
automatism n. The power of initiating vital processes from within the cell, organ, or organism, independent of external stimulus.
automatism n. The doctrine that animals are automata, operating according to mechanical laws.
IMMACULACYimmaculacy n. Immaculateness.
IMMACULACY n. the state of being immaculate.
IMMACULATEimmaculate adj. Absolutely tidy, having no blemish or stain.
immaculate adj. (Zoology) (botany) Lacking blotches, spots, or other markings.
immaculate adj. (Figurative) containing no mistakes.
MAGNALIUMSmagnaliums n. Plural of magnalium.
MAGNALIUM n. an alloy of magnesium and aluminum.
MAMAGUYINGmamaguying v. Present participle of mamaguy.
MAMAGUY v. (Caribbean) to deceive or tease esp. by flattery.
MANDAMUSEDmandamused v. Simple past tense and past participle of mandamus.
MANDAMUS v. (Latin) to command by writ from a higher court to a lower.
MANDAMUSESmandamuses n. Plural of mandamus.
MANDAMUS v. (Latin) to command by writ from a higher court to a lower.
MARASMUSESmarasmuses n. Plural of marasmus.
MARASMUS n. a wasting away of the body.
MIASMATOUSmiasmatous adj. Containing or relating to miasma.
MIASMATOUS adj. of or like a miasma, also MIASMATICAL.
PARAMECIUMparamecium n. An oval-shaped protozoan organism of the genus Paramecium.
Paramecium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Parameciidae – a ciliophore widely used as a model organism and for education.
PARAMECIUM n. a genus of tiny animals including the slipper animalcule, also PARAMAECIUM, PARAMOECIUM.
PARAMYLUMSPARAMYLUM n. a substance resembling starch, found in the green frothy scum formed on the surface of stagnant water.
SUBMAXIMALsubmaximal adj. Less than maximal.
SUBMAXIMAL adj. below maximal.
TRAUMATISMtraumatism n. A physical or mental injury that is the result of trauma.
TRAUMATISM n. a condition caused by a wound, shock.
WAMPUMPEAGwampumpeag n. (Obsolete) Wampum.
WAMPUMPEAG n. (Native American) beads made from shells, used as money etc., also WAMPUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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