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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2A, I and 2U

ANGUIFAUNAANGUIFAUNA n. (Latin) the snakes of a region.
ATRACURIUMatracurium n. (Pharmacology) A muscle relaxant administered intravenously in the form of its besylate C65H82N2O18
ATRACURIUM n. a muscle-relaxing drug used in surgery.
AURICULARSauriculars n. (Zoology) A circle of feathers surrounding the opening of the ear of birds.
AURICULAR n. an auricular feather.
AURICULATEauriculate adj. Alternative spelling of auriculated.
auriculate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having two lobes, often curved, often near the base.
AURICULATE adj. having ears or ear-shaped appendages, also AURICULATED.
CHIHUAHUASchihuahuas n. Plural of chihuahua.
Chihuahuas n. Plural of Chihuahua.
CHIHUAHUA n. a breed of small dog from Mexico.
INAUGURALSinaugurals n. Plural of inaugural.
INAUGURAL n. an inaugural address or lecture.
INAUGURATEinaugurate v. (Transitive) To induct into office with a formal ceremony.
inaugurate v. (Transitive) To dedicate ceremoniously; to initiate something in a formal manner.
inaugurate adj. Invested with office; inaugurated.
INCUNABULAincunabula n. Plural of incunabulum.
INCUNABULUM n. (Latin) a book printed from movable type before 1501, also INCUNABLE.
JAGUARUNDIjaguarundi n. A medium-sized Central and South American wild cat, Puma yagouaroundi, Herpailurus yagouaroundi or Felis yagouaroundi.
JAGUARUNDI n. (Tupi) a South American wild cat, aka eyra, also JAGUARONDI.
QUINAQUINAquinaquina n. Cinchona bark, quinquina.
QUINAQUINA n. (Quechua) a tree yielding cinchona bark, from which quinine is made, also CHINACHINA, CINCHONA, KINA, KINAKINA, QUINA, QUINQUINA.
SEAQUARIUMseaquarium n. An oceanarium.
SEAQUARIUM n. an oceanarium.
SUBAQUATICsubaquatic adj. Located or living under water; submarine.
SUBAQUATIC adj. under water.
TUBULARIANtubularian n. (Zoology) Any hydroid belonging to the former suborder Tubularida.
tubularian adj. Hydriform in a tubular shape with wide disc.
TUBULARIAN n. any hydroid belonging to the suborder Tubularida.
UBIQUARIANubiquarian adj. (Archaic) Ubiquitous.
ubiquarian adj. Alternative form of ubiquitarian.
ubiquarian n. Obsolete form of ubiquitarian.
UNACQUAINTunacquaint v. (Rare) To undo (one’s or someone’s) acquaintance (with someone or something).
UNACQUAINT v. to deprive (a person) of awareness or acquaintance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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