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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 2A, D, J and U

ADJUDICATEadjudicate v. To settle a legal case or other dispute.
adjudicate v. To act as a judge.
adjudicate v. (Scotland, law) To seize, or convey, a debtor’s estate as security.
ADJURATIONadjuration n. A grave warning.
adjuration n. A solemn oath.
ADJURATION n. the act of adjuring; a solemn charging on oath, or under the penalty of a curse.
ADJURATORYadjuratory adj. Of or pertaining to an adjuration.
ADJURATORY adj. containing an adjuration.
ADJUSTABLEadjustable adj. Capable of being adjusted.
adjustable n. Anything that can be adjusted.
ADJUSTABLE adj. that can be adjusted.
ADJUSTABLYadjustably adv. In a way that is adjustable.
ADJUSTABLE adv. that can be adjusted.
COADJUTANTcoadjutant adj. Mutually assisting or operating; helping.
coadjutant n. An assistant.
COADJUTANT adj. mutually assisting or operating; helping.
EJACULATEDejaculated v. Simple past tense and past participle of ejaculate.
EJACULATE v. to exclaim, to eject.
JAGUARONDIjaguarondi n. Alternative spelling of jaguarundi.
JAGUARONDI n. (Tupi) a South American wild cat, aka eyra, also JAGUARUNDI.
JAGUARUNDIjaguarundi n. A medium-sized Central and South American wild cat, Puma yagouaroundi, Herpailurus yagouaroundi or Felis yagouaroundi.
JAGUARUNDI n. (Tupi) a South American wild cat, aka eyra, also JAGUARONDI.
PANJANDRUMpanjandrum n. An important, powerful or influential person.
panjandrum n. A self-important or pretentious person.
panjandrum n. (Military) A massive, rocket-propelled, explosive-laden cart designed by the British military during World War II.
UNADJACENTunadjacent adj. Not adjacent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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