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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, C and F

AFFECTABLEaffectable adj. Able to be affected.
AFFECTABLE adj. that can be affected.
BACKDRAFTSbackdrafts n. Plural of backdraft.
BACKDRAFT n. a reverse movement of air, also BACKDRAUGHT.
BEATIFICALbeatifical adj. Beatific.
BEATIFICAL adj. making supremely happy, also BEATIFIC.
BIFACIALLYbifacially adv. With, or so as to have, two faces.
BIFACIAL adv. having two faces.
BLACKFACEDblackfaced adj. Having a black face.
blackfaced adj. Wearing blackface theater makeup.
BLACKFACED adj. of sheep, having a black face.
BLACKFACESblackfaces n. Plural of blackface.
Blackfaces n. Plural of Blackface.
BLACKFACE n. a breed of sheep.
CARBOFURANcarbofuran n. (Chemistry) A highly toxic carbamate pesticide used on field crops.
CONFABULARconfabular adj. Of or pertaining to confabulation.
CONFABULAR adj. relating to confabulation, the fabrication of past experiences, either consciously or unconsciously to make up for loss of memory.
DEFACEABLEdefaceable adj. Able to be defaced.
DEFACEABLE adj. that can be defaced.
EFFACEABLEeffaceable adj. Capable of being effaced.
EFFACEABLE adj. that can be effaced.
FABRICANTSfabricants n. Plural of fabricant.
FABRICANT n. (archaic) a manufacturer.
FABRICATEDfabricated v. Simple past tense and past participle of fabricate.
fabricated adj. Constructed or assembled.
fabricated adj. False in the sense of made-up, constructed.
FABRICATESfabricates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fabricate.
FABRICATE v. to manufacture; to produce; to devise falsely.
FABRICATORfabricator n. A person who fabricates or manufactures something; a manufacturer.
fabricator n. A person who makes a fabrication of something; a counterfeiter or falsifier.
FABRICATOR n. one who fabricates.
FACTORABLEfactorable adj. (Mathematics) Capable of being factored. For integers synonyms are composite, non-prime.
FACTORABLE adj. that can be factored.
FLAREBACKSflarebacks n. Plural of flareback.
FLAREBACK n. a flame in the breech of a gun when fired.
FLASHBACKSflashbacks n. Plural of flashback.
FLASHBACK v. to show a flashback.
PACIFIABLEpacifiable adj. Capable of being pacified.
PACIFIABLE adj. capable of being pacified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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