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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 3A, H and U

AGAPANTHUSagapanthus n. Any member of the genus Agapanthus of flowering plants.
Agapanthus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Amaryllidaceae – certain flowering plants of South Africa, some…
AGAPANTHUS n. a genus of lily native to South Africa.
ANACOLUTHAanacolutha n. Plural of anacoluthon.
anacolutha n. Alternative spelling of anacoloutha.
ANACOLUTHON n. a sentence or construction lacking grammatical sequence.
AQUAPHOBIAaquaphobia n. A fear of water, especially a morbid fear of drowning.
AQUAPHOBIA n. fear of water.
AUTOPHAGIAautophagia n. The eating of one’s own body.
AUTOPHAGIA n. sustenance by self-absorption of the tissues of the body, also AUTOPHAGY.
AYAHUASCASayahuascas n. Plural of ayahuasca.
AYAHUASCA n. (Quechua) a South American vine, the roots of which yield a drink having a hallucinatory effect, also AYAHUASCO.
AYAHUASCOSAYAHUASCO n. (Quechua) a South American vine, the roots of which yield a drink having a hallucinatory effect, also AYAHUASCA.
CARNAHUBAScarnahubas n. Plural of carnahuba.
CARNAHUBA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian palm tree yielding a fine yellowish wax, also CARNAUBA.
CHAUTAUQUAchautauqua n. Alternative form of Chautauqua.
Chautauqua prop.n. A town and lake resort community in Chautauqua County, New York.
Chautauqua n. (Historical) A kind of travelling tent-show which used to move across America featuring popular talks.
EUTHANASIAeuthanasia n. The practice of intentionally and painlessly killing a human being or animal for humane reasons, especially…
euthanasia n. (Obsolete) An easy death, or the means to bring about such a death.
EUTHANASIA n. the practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or incurable condition, also EUTHANASY.
HAEMATURIAhaematuria n. Britain standard spelling of hematuria.
hæmaturia n. Obsolete form of hematuria.
HAEMATURIA n. the presence of blood in the urine, also HEMATURIA.
MARIHUANASmarihuanas n. Plural of marihuana.
MARIHUANA n. (Spanish) Indian hemp; its dried flowers or leaves smoked as an intoxicant, also MARIJUANA.
MUKHABARATmukhabarat n. Alternative form of Mukhabarat.
Mukhabarat n. The secret police or intelligence forces in certain Arabic-speaking countries.
MUKHABARAT n. (in Middle Eastern countries) a secret police force.
NAUMACHIAEnaumachiae n. Plural of naumachia.
NAUMACHIA n. (Latin) a mock sea battle, performed as a spectacle among the ancient Romans, also NAUMACHY.
NAUMACHIASnaumachias n. Plural of naumachia.
NAUMACHIA n. (Latin) a mock sea battle, performed as a spectacle among the ancient Romans, also NAUMACHY.
SACAHUISTAsacahuista n. Nolina microcarpa, a flowering plant in the asparagus family.
SACAHUISTA n. (Nahuatl) a bear grass that may cause poisoning in livestock, also SACAHUISTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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