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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 3A, D and O

ADAPTATIONadaptation n. (Uncountable) The process of adapting something or becoming adapted to a situation; adjustment, modification.
adaptation n. (Countable) A change that is made or undergone to suit a condition or environment.
adaptation n. (Uncountable, evolutionary theory) The process of change that an organism undergoes to be better suited…
ADELANTADOadelantado n. (Historical) A governor of a province; a commander, in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries.
ADELANTADO n. (Spanish) a governor of a province; a commander.
AFICIONADAaficionada n. (Rare) A devoted female admirer; a female aficionado.
aficionada n. (Rare) A lesser aficionado; alternative spelling of aficionado.
AFICIONADA n. a female aficionado.
ALKALOIDALalkaloidal adj. (Organic chemistry) Of or pertaining to alkaloids.
ALKALOIDAL adj. pertaining to, resembling, or containing, alkali.
ALLARGANDOallargando adv. (Music) Decreasing in tempo; getting slower.
ALLARGANDO adv. (Italian) with slowing tempo.
AMBASSADORambassador n. A minister of the highest rank sent to a foreign court to represent there his sovereign or country…
ambassador n. An official messenger and representative.
ambassador n. A corporate representative, often the public face of the company.
AQUABOARDSaquaboards n. Plural of aquaboard.
AQUABOARD n. a board for riding on the surface of water.
ASAFOETIDAasafoetida n. A resinous gum from the stem and roots of Ferula species such as Ferula foetida and Ferula assa-foetida…
ASAFOETIDA n. an acrid gum resin with a strong smell like that of garlic, obtained from certain Asian plants, also ASAFETIDA, ASSAFETIDA, ASSAFOETIDA.
ASTARBOARDastarboard adv. (Nautical) Over to the starboard side.
ASTARBOARD adv. on or towards the starboard.
AUTOSTRADAautostrada n. A motorway in Italy (and some other countries).
AUTOSTRADA n. (Italian) a motorway.
DATAMATIONDATAMATION n. automatic data processing.
DIAPASONALDIAPASONAL adj. relating to a diapason, also DIAPASONIC.
MANDRAGORAmandragora n. Mandrake (genus Mandragora); often specifically mandrake root, traditionally used as a narcotic.
mandragora n. A kind of tiny dragon immune to fire.
Mandragora prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Solanaceae – the mandrakes.
PARANOIDALparanoidal adj. (Dated, medicine) paranoid.
PARANOIDAL adj. suffering from paranoia, also PARANOID.
PARAPODIALparapodial adj. Pertaining to the parapodium.
PARAPODIAL adj. relating to a parapodium, one of the lateral appendages of an annelid.
PROPAGANDApropaganda n. A concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of large numbers of people.
PROPAGANDA n. a congregation of the Roman curia having jurisdiction over missionary territories and related institutions.
RADIOLARIAradiolaria n. The members of the taxonomic subclass Radiolaria; radiolarians.
Radiolaria prop.n. A taxonomic subclass within the class Actinopodea – the radiolaria, numerous species, most of them extinct…
Radiolaria prop.n. Radiozoa.
ZAPATEADOSzapateados n. Plural of zapateado.
ZAPATEADO n. (Spanish) a Latin-American dance with rhythmic tapping of the feet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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