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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 3A, B and P

ANABAPTISEanabaptise v. Alternative form of anabaptize.
ANABAPTISE v. to rebaptise, also ANABAPTIZE.
ANABAPTISMAnabaptism n. The doctrine espoused by Anabaptists.
ANABAPTISM n. the doctrine of the Anabaptists.
ANABAPTISTanabaptist n. Alternative form of Anabaptist.
Anabaptist n. A member of a radical wing of Christians during the Protestant Reformation (Such as a Mennonite, an…
Anabaptist n. A member of any of several present-day churches.
ANABAPTIZEanabaptize v. (Transitive, archaic) To baptize or christen again; to rename.
ANABAPTIZE v. to rebaptize, also ANABAPTISE.
ANALPHABETanalphabet n. A person who does not know the letters of the alphabet; a partly or wholly illiterate person.
analphabet adj. Ignorant of the letters of the alphabet; partly or wholly illiterate.
ANALPHABET n. an illiterate; one who doesn't know the alphabet or the basics of something, also ANALPHABETE.
APPEALABLEappealable adj. (Law, of a verdict etc.) That may be appealed, or sent to a higher court for judgement.
appealable adj. (Obsolete) That may be accused or called to answer by appeal.
APPEALABLE adj. capable of being appealed against; that may be removed to a higher tribunal for decision; as, the cause is appealable.
APPEASABLEappeasable adj. Able to be calmed or pacified.
APPEASABLE adj. capable of being appeased or pacified; placable.
AQUAPHOBIAaquaphobia n. A fear of water, especially a morbid fear of drowning.
AQUAPHOBIA n. fear of water.
PARABEMATAparabemata n. Plural of parabema.
PARABEMA n. (Greek) in Byzantine architecture, a chapel walled off from the bema.
PARABLASTSparablasts n. Plural of parablast.
PARABLAST n. the yolk of an egg, such as a hen's egg, that undergoes meroblastic cleavage.
PARABRAKESparabrakes n. Plural of parabrake.
PARABRAKE n. a parachute as used to slow an aeroplane.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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