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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, T and 2V

ADVECTIVEadvective adj. Relating to advection.
ADVECTIVE adj. relating to advection, the horizontal movement of air.
ADVENTIVEadventive adj. Accidental.
adventive adj. Adventitious.
adventive adj. (Biology) Of a plant that is not native, but was introduced by humans to a place and has since become naturalized.
AVADAVATSavadavats n. Plural of avadavat.
AVADAVAT n. (Hindi) the strawberry finch, a small Indian song bird, commonly caged and kept for fighting, also AMADAVAT.
BIVALVATEbivalvate adj. Having the form of a bivalve: consisting of or incorporating two matching hinged or folding parts.
BIVALVATE adj. of molluscs, having two valves.
CHAVVIESTchavviest adj. Superlative form of chavvy: most chavvy.
CHAVVY adj. like a chav.
CURVATIVEcurvative adj. Having slightly curved margins or sides.
curvative adj. Curvative force.
curvative n. (Differential geometry) The first partial derivative of a function that describes a surface.
DEVIATIVEdeviative adj. Tending to deviate.
DEVIATIVE adj. tending to deviate.
EVOCATIVEevocative adj. That which evokes (brings to mind) a memory, mood, idea, feeling, or image; redolent or reminiscent.
EVOCATIVE adj. calling forth; serving to evoke.
PRIVATIVEprivative adj. Causing privation; depriving.
privative adj. Consisting in the absence of something; negative.
privative adj. (Grammar) indicating the absence of something.
TRIVALVEDtrivalved adj. Having three valves.
TRIVALVED adj. having three valves.
TRIVALVEStrivalves n. Plural of trivalve.
TRIVALVE n. a type of shell with three valves.
UVAROVITEuvarovite n. (Mineralogy) A rare chromium-bearing garnet mineral with a vivid emerald-green colour.
UVAROVITE n. (Russian) a green lime-chrome garnet.
VALVELETSvalvelets n. Plural of valvelet.
VALVELET n. a small valve.
VARIATIVEvariative adj. Synonym of variational.
VARIATIVE adj. relating to variation, also VARIATIONAL.
VIBRATIVEvibrative adj. (Now rare) Involving vibration; vibrating, vibratory.
VIBRATIVE adj. consisting in, or causing, vibration, also VIBRATILE, VIBRATORY.
VIOLATIVEviolative adj. (US) Tending to violate; of or relating to violation.
VIOLATIVE adj. violating, or tending to violate.
VIVAMENTEVIVAMENTE adv. (Italian) in a lively manner.
VIVIANITEvivianite n. (Mineralogy) A blue, green or colourless mineral of monoclinic crystals, Fe3(PO4)2·8H2O.
VIVIANITE n. ferrous phosphate, blue by oxidation, often found coating fossil fishes and bones.
VOCATIVESvocatives n. Plural of vocative.
VOCATIVE n. a grammatical case indicating calling or personal address.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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