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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, L, V and W

DISAVOWALdisavowal n. A denial of knowledge, relationship, and/or responsibility towards something (or someone).
DISAVOWAL n. the act of disavowing.
KALEWIVESKALEWIFE n. a female vegetable vendor.
LAWGIVERSlawgivers n. Plural of lawgiver.
LAWGIVER n. one who institutes a legal system.
LAWGIVINGlawgiving adj. Enacting laws; legislative.
LAWGIVING n. the giving of law.
LIGHTWAVElightwave n. Alternative form of light wave.
light␣wave n. (Physics) An electromagnetic wave of light.
light␣wave n. (Physics, obsolete) A wave of the luminiferous ether.
LIVEWARESLIVEWARE n. (colloquial) all the people working on a computer system.
NAVELWORTnavelwort n. Certain plants with features reminiscent of a human navel.
NAVELWORT n. a perennial succulent herb, having round, peltate leaves with a central depression, aka pennywort.
REVIEWALSreviewals n. Plural of reviewal.
REVIEWAL n. the act of reviewing something.
RIVERWALKriverwalk n. A pedestrian street or pathway alongside a river, providing a space for outdoor activity.
river-walk n. Alternative form of riverwalk.
river␣walk n. Alternative form of riverwalk.
SWERVABLESWERVABLE adj. capable of being swerved.
WALDGRAVEwaldgrave n. (Historical) The head forestkeeper in the old German empire.
WALDGRAVE n. (German) a former German title of count; a head forest ranger, also WILDGRAVE.
WALKOVERSwalkovers n. Plural of walkover.
walk-overs n. Plural of walk-over.
WALKOVER n. a race involving only one horse and jockey.
WARWOLVESwarwolves n. Plural of warwolf.
WARWOLF n. a mediaeval siege engine.
WAVELLITEwavellite n. (Mineralogy) A hydrated aluminium phosphate, Al3(PO4)2(OH,F)3·5H2O, sometimes mined as a source of phosphorus.
WAVELLITE n. hydrated phosphate of aluminium, occurring commonly in flattened globular aggregates.
WAVETABLEwavetable n. A collection of many single-cycle waveforms with subtly changing harmonic contents, sometimes based…
WAVETABLE n. a collection of digitized samples of recorded sound stored as sound waves.
WAYLEAVESwayleaves n. Plural of wayleave.
way␣leaves n. Plural of way leave.
WAYLEAVE n. permission to pass over property.
WILDGRAVEwildgrave n. A waldgrave, or head forest keeper.
WILDGRAVE n. (German) a former German title of count; a head forest ranger, also WALDGRAVE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 102 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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