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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, J, M and N

BENJAMINSbenjamins n. Plural of benjamin.
Benjamins n. Plural of Benjamin.
BENJAMIN n. a kind of overcoat.
ENJAMBINGenjambing v. Present participle of enjamb.
ENJAMB v. in poetry, to join the sense from one line to the next.
JAMBOLANAjambolana n. Syzygium cumini, a myrtaceous tree of the West Indies and tropical America with astringent bark and edible fruit.
JAMBOLANA n. (Sanskrit) the rose-apple tree of Malaysia, also JAMBOLAN, JAMBOOL, JAMBU, JAMBUL.
JAMBOLANSjambolans n. Plural of jambolan.
JAMBOLAN n. (Sanskrit) the rose-apple tree of Malaysia, also JAMBOLANA, JAMBOOL, JAMBU, JAMBUL.
JAMPANEESjampanees n. Plural of jampanee.
JAMPANEE n. (Bengali) an Indian sedan chair bearer, also JAMPANI.
JASMONATEjasmonate n. (Organic chemistry) Any of several esters of jasmonic acid that act as plant hormones; they are the…
JASMONATE n. any of several organic compounds that occur in plants and are thought to control processes such as growth and fruit ripening and to aid the plant's defences against disease and insect attack.
JESSAMINEjessamine n. Alternative form of jasmine.
Jessamine prop.n. A female given name from English, variant of Jasmine.
JESSAMINE n. a genus of oleaceous shrubs, also GESSAMINE, JASMIN, JASMINE, JESSAMY.
JUMARRINGjumarring v. Present participle of jumar.
JUMAR v. to climb using ropes and clips.
JURYWOMANjurywoman n. A female juror.
JURYWOMAN n. a woman who serves on a jury.
MAHJONGGSMAHJONGG n. (Chinese) a game of Chinese origin, also MAHJONG.
MARIJUANAmarijuana n. The inflorescence of the Cannabis sativa plant, smoked or ingested for euphoric effect.
marijuana n. The hemp plant itself, Cannabis sativa.
MARIJUANA n. (Spanish) Indian hemp; its dried flowers or leaves smoked as an intoxicant, also MARIHUANA.
MARYJANESMary␣Janes n. Plural of Mary Jane.
MARYJANE n. (slang) marijuana.
MUJAHEDINmujahedin n. Alternative form of mujahideen.
MUJAHEDIN n. (Arabic) Islamic fundamentalist freedom fighters, also MOJAHEDIN, MUJAHEDDIN, MUJAHEDEEN, MUJAHIDEEN, MUJAHIDIN.
MUJAHIDINmujahidin n. Plural of mujahid.
MUJAHIDIN n. (Arabic) Islamic fundamentalist freedom fighters, also MOJAHEDIN, MUJAHEDDIN, MUJAHEDEEN, MUJAHEDIN, MUJAHIDEEN.
NONMAJORSnonmajors n. Plural of nonmajor.
NONMAJOR n. a student who is not majoring in a specific subject.
UNJAMMINGunjamming v. Present participle of unjam.
UNJAM v. to free from jamming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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