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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, 2G and Z

AGATIZINGagatizing v. Present participle of agatize.
AGATIZE v. to cause to resemble agate, also AGATISE.
AGENIZINGagenizing adj. That treats with agene.
AGENIZE v. to treat flour with agene, also AGENISE.
AGONIZINGagonizing adj. Causing physical or mental agony.
agonizing v. Present participle of agonize.
agonizing n. The act of one who agonizes.
DEGLAZINGdeglazing v. Present participle of deglaze.
deglazing n. (Usually in the plural) A piece of deglazed food from a pan.
deglazing n. The process by which a pan is deglazed.
DZIGGETAIdziggetai n. The Mongolian wild ass, Equus hemionus hemionus, a subspecies of the onager.
DZIGGETAI n. (Mongolian) a wild ass native to the Tibetan plateau, aka kiang or kyang, also CHIGETAI.
GALLIZINGgallizing v. Present participle of gallize.
GALLIZE v. in winemaking, to bring to standard proportions by adding water and sugar to an inferior must, also GALLISE, GALLISISE, GALLISIZE.
GARGARIZEgargarize v. (Obsolete) To gargle; to rinse or wash, as the mouth and throat.
GARGARIZE v. (obsolete) to gargle, also GARGARISE.
GAZANGINGGAZANG v. (of the seller of a house) to inconvenience (a potential buyer) by withdrawing from an agreement to sell shortly before the purchase is completed.
GAZETTINGgazetting v. Present participle of gazette.
gazetting n. Publication in a gazette.
GAZETTE v. to announce in an official journal.
GAZOGENESgazogenes n. Plural of gazogene.
GAZOGENE n. an apparatus for carbonating liquids, also GASOGENE.
GAZUMPINGgazumping v. Present participle of gazump.
gazumping n. The act of one who gazumps.
GAZUMPING n. the act of unfairly acquiring a property by bidding more than an offer that has already been accepted.
GIGAHERTZgigahertz n. One billion hertz, 109 Hz.
GIGAHERTZ n. one billion hertz.
GRAZINGLYgrazingly adv. So as to graze, or brush closely against.
OUTGAZINGoutgazing v. Present participle of outgaze.
OUTGAZE v. to surpass in gazing.
REGLAZINGreglazing v. Present participle of reglaze.
REGLAZE v. to glaze again.
SUNGAZINGsungazing n. Observing the Sun in the sky.
SUNGAZING n. the practice of staring directly at the sun at sunset or sunrise, esp. in the belief that doing so allows one to survive without eating food.
ZIGGURATSziggurats n. Plural of ziggurat.
ZIGGURAT n. a Babylonian temple tower, also ZIKKURAT, ZIKURAT.
ZIGZAGGEDzigzagged v. Simple past tense and past participle of zigzag.
zig-zagged v. Simple past tense and past participle of zig-zag.
ZIGZAG v. to turn sharply from side to side.
ZIGZAGGERzigzagger n. An attachment for a sewing machine allowing for zigzag stitches.
zigzagger n. Someone who zigzags; a person who makes rapid changes of direction, especially (figuratively) in opinion, policy etc.
ZIGZAGGER n. one who zigzags.
ZUGZWANGSzugzwangs n. Plural of zugzwang.
ZUGZWANG v. to place in zugzwang.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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