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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, C, L and Q

ACQUIRALSacquirals n. Plural of acquiral.
ACQUIRAL n. getting or attainment.
ACQUITTALacquittal n. (Now rare) The act of fulfilling the duties (Of a given role, obligation etc.).
acquittal n. (Law) A legal decision that someone is not guilty with which they have been charged, or the formal dismissal…
acquittal n. Payment of a debt or other obligation; reparations, amends.
CLAQUEURSclaqueurs n. Plural of claqueur.
CLAQUEUR n. (French) a member of a claque, also CLAQUER.
CLINQUANTclinquant adj. Glittery; gleaming; sparkling; dressed in, or overlaid with, tinsel finery.
clinquant n. Dutch metal.
clinquant n. Tinsel; glitter.
COEQUALLYcoequally adv. In a coequal manner.
COEQUAL adv. equal in rank or power.
COLLOQUIAcolloquia n. A plural of colloquium.
COLLOQUIUM n. (Latin) a conference, a seminar.
COQUILLAScoquillas n. Plural of coquilla.
COQUILLA n. (Spanish) the nut of the piassava palm, whose mottled dark brown endosperm is used by button-makers and turners.
EQUIVOCALequivocal adj. Having two or more equally applicable meanings; capable of double or multiple interpretation.
equivocal adj. Capable of being ascribed to different motives, or of signifying opposite feelings, purposes, or characters;…
equivocal adj. Uncertain, as an indication or sign.
LACQUEREDlacquered v. Simple past tense and past participle of lacquer.
LACQUER v. to coat with a glossy substance, also LACKER.
LACQUERERlacquerer n. One who lacquers.
LACQUERER n. one who lacquers.
LACQUEYEDlacqueyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of lacquey.
LACQUEY v. to serve in a servile manner, also LACKEY.
LOQUACITYloquacity n. Talkativeness; the quality of being loquacious.
LOQUACITY n. talkativeness.
QUACKLINGquackling v. Present participle of quackle.
QUACKLE v. to choke; to suffocate.
QUANTICALquantical adj. (Mathematics) Relating to quantics.
quantical adj. Quantum.
QUANTICAL adj. of or like a quantic, a homogeneous algebraic function of two or more variables.
QUILLBACKquillback n. Carpiodes cyprinus, a freshwater fish of the sucker family with a long filament that extends back from…
QUILLBACK n. an American freshwater fish.
QUITCLAIMquitclaim v. (Transitive) To relinquish or release (A claim, title etc.); to transfer (an interest in property).
quitclaim n. A renunciation of claims.
quitclaim n. (Law) A deed that is a renunciation of claims to a parcel of real property and a transfer of one’s claims…
QUIZZICALquizzical adj. Questioning or suggesting puzzlement.
quizzical adj. Strange or eccentric.
quizzical adj. Jocose; humorous.
RELACQUERrelacquer v. To lacquer again.
RELACQUER v. to lacquer again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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