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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, T and 2W

AWLWORTSawlworts n. Plural of awlwort.
AWLWORT n. an aquatic plant with awl-shaped leaves.
STOWAWAYstowaway n. A person who hides on board a ship, train, etc. so as to get a free passage.
stow␣away v. (Transitive) to stow or secure aloof in a safe place.
stow␣away v. (Intransitive) to obtain passage (on a ship or similar vehicle) by secreting oneself inside before departure.
TOWAWAYStowaways n. Plural of towaway.
TOWAWAY n. the act of towing away a vehicle.
TOWNWARDtownward adj. Towards a town.
townward adv. Towards a town; townwards.
TOWNWARD adv. in the direction of the town.
TOWNWEARtownwear n. (Rare) Everyday clothing suitable for wearing in a town (as opposed to the country).
TOWNWEAR n. clothes suitable for town.
WALLWORTwallwort n. Danewort.
WALLWORT n. a dwarf elder.
WANTAWAYwantaway n. Alternative spelling of want-away.
wantaway adj. Alternative spelling of want-away.
want-away adj. (Of a professional sportsperson, usually an association footballer) who wants to move to another club.
WANWORTHWANWORTH n. (Scots) a very low price, a bargain.
WARTWEEDwartweed n. Wartwort.
WARTWEED n. any of a family of lichens having warty thalluses.
WARTWORTwartwort n. Any of various plants, including Norther European species of spurge (Euphorbia) and the nipplewort (Lapsana…
WARTWORT n. a kind of spurge, the juice of which was thought to be a cure for warts.
WASTEWAYwasteway n. A chute or other route for the disposal of waste material.
WASTEWAY n. a channel for excess water.
WATERWAYwaterway n. A body of water, such as a river, channel or canal, that is navigable.
waterway n. A conduit or watercourse, such as on the deck of a ship, to drain water.
WATERWAY n. a navigable body of water.
WESTWARDwestward adj. Lying toward the west.
westward adj. Moving or oriented toward the west.
westward adv. Toward the west.
WETWARESWETWARE n. the living human brain, viewed as part of a computer system.
WHITTAWSwhittaws n. Plural of whittaw.
WHITTAW n. (dialect) a saddler or harness-maker; a maker of white leather, also WHITTAWER.
WIDTHWAYwidthway adj. Alternative form of widthways.
widthway adv. Alternative form of widthways.
WIDTHWAY adj. across the width, as distinct from lengthways, also WIDTHWAYS, WIDTHWISE.
WITHDRAWwithdraw v. (Transitive).
withdraw v. (Intransitive).
withdraw n. An act of drawing back or removing; a removal, a withdrawal or withdrawing.
WITWALLSwitwalls n. Plural of witwall.
WITWALL n. the green woodpecker or the greater spotted woodpecker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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