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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, N, U and X

ANNEXUREannexure n. (UK) The process of annexing.
annexure n. (UK) Something annexed.
annexure n. (Especially India and UK law, otherwise dated) An appendix or attachment to a document.
BANDEAUXbandeaux n. Plural of bandeau.
bandeaux n. A bandeau, a single band (or a set of such bands) for a woman’s hair.
BANDEAU n. (French) a narrow band or fillet; a part of a headdress.
EXCUBANTexcubant adj. (Formal) Watchful; keeping watch or guarding.
EXCUBANT adj. on guard.
EXONUMIAexonumia n. Coinlike objects.
exonumia n. Study and/or collection of such.
EXONUMIA n. objects that resemble money but do not circulate as coin or paper money e.g. tokens, coupons, medal.
EXULTANTexultant adj. Very happy, especially at someone else’s defeat or failure.
EXULTANT adj. exulting.
LUXATINGluxating v. Present participle of luxate.
LUXATE v. to put out of joint.
LUXATIONluxation n. The act of luxating, or the state of being luxated; a dislocation.
LUXATION n. the dislocation of an anatomical part.
MANTEAUXmanteaux n. Plural of manteau.
MANTEAU n. (French) a woman's loose gown, also MANTO, MANTUA, MANTY.
NEURAXONNEURAXON n. a part of a neuron.
NOUVEAUXNOUVEAU n. (French) something new.
PONCEAUXponceaux n. Plural of ponceau.
PONCEAU n. (French) a poppy-coloured red dye.
RONDEAUXrondeaux n. Plural of rondeau.
Rondeaux prop.n. A surname.
RONDEAU n. (French) a poem of 13 lines with two rhymes and the opening words used as a refrain in two places.
SUBTAXONsubtaxon n. (Taxonomy) One of the elements within a taxon.
SUBTAXON n. a subdivision of a taxon.
TONNEAUXtonneaux n. Plural of tonneau.
TONNEAU n. (French) the rear extension of the body of a car.
UNDERTAXundertax v. (Transitive) To levy too little tax upon.
UNDERTAX v. to tax less than the usual amount.
UNIAXIALuniaxial adj. Having a single axis; monoaxial.
uniaxial adj. (Botany) Having a single stem, with no branches, that terminates in a flower.
UNIAXIAL adj. having one axis.
UNSEXUALunsexual adj. Not sexual.
UNSEXUAL adj. not sexual.
UNTAXINGuntaxing adj. Not taxing.
UNTAX v. to remit a tax on.
XANTHOUSxanthous adj. Yellow-brown; yolk-colored.
xanthous adj. (Archaic, ethnology) Pertaining to people with yellowish, red, auburn, or brown hair.
XANTHOUS adj. yellow- or red-haired; yellow-skinned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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