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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, M, U and X

AMPLEXUSamplexus n. A form of pseudocopulation, found chiefly in amphibians and horseshoe crabs, in which a male grasps…
AMPLEXUS n. (Latin) the mating embrace of frogs.
CAMAIEUXcamaieux n. Plural of camaieu.
CAMAIEU n. (French) a cameo.
EXHUMATEexhumate v. (Obsolete) To exhume; to disinter.
EXHUMATE v. to dig out from the earth, also EXHUME.
EXONUMIAexonumia n. Coinlike objects.
exonumia n. Study and/or collection of such.
EXONUMIA n. objects that resemble money but do not circulate as coin or paper money e.g. tokens, coupons, medal.
GIAMBEUXgiambeux n. Obsolete form of jambeaux, plural of jambeau.
GIAMBEUX adj. (Spenser) leg-armour, greaves.
JAMBEAUXjambeaux n. Plural of jambeau.
JAMBEAU n. (obsolete) armour for the legs below the knees, a greave, also JAMB, JAMBART, JAMBE, JAMBER, JAMBIER.
MANTEAUXmanteaux n. Plural of manteau.
MANTEAU n. (French) a woman's loose gown, also MANTO, MANTUA, MANTY.
MAXIMUMSmaximums n. Plural of maximum.
MAXIMUM n. the largest possible amount.
MORCEAUXmorceaux n. Plural of morceau.
MORCEAU n. (French) a short literary or musical composition.
SUPERMAXsupermax n. A prison with the highest possible level of security.
supermax adj. Being, or pertaining to, such a prison.
SUPERMAX n. a jail with the highest level of security.
TRUMEAUXtrumeaux n. Plural of trumeau.
TRUMEAU n. (French) a column supporting part of a doorway.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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