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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, J and 2N

BENJAMINbenjamin n. A balsamic resin from the bark of Styrax trees used in perfumes, incense, and medicine; benzoin resin.
benjamin n. A type of tree which produces benzoin or has similar properties; specifically, Styrax benzoin, Lindera…
benjamin n. (UK, slang, dated) A kind of upper coat for men.
JANGLINGjangling n. A jangle, the sounds of a jangle.
jangling v. Present participle of jangle.
JANGLING n. a jangling noise.
JANNEYEDJANNEY v. to act as a disguised merrymaker at Christmas, also JANNY.
JANNOCKSjannocks n. Plural of jannock.
JANNOCK n. oaten bread.
JANNYINGJANNYING n. acting as a disguised merrymaker at Christmas.
JAPANNEDjapanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of japan.
JAPAN v. to coat with a glossy black lacquer.
JAPANNERjapanner n. One who varnishes in the manner of the Japanese, or one skilled in that art.
japanner n. (Archaic) A bootblack.
Japanner n. (Obsolete) A Japanese person.
JAUNCINGjauncing v. Present participle of jaunce.
JAUNCE v. to prance, also JAUNSE.
JAUNSINGJAUNSE v. to prance, also JAUNCE.
JAUNTINGjaunting v. Present participle of jaunt.
jaunting n. The act of taking a jaunt.
JAUNT v. to go on a pleasure trip.
JINGBANGjingbang n. (Chiefly Scotland, colloquial) A thing, a lot, a shebang.
jing-bang n. Alternative spelling of jingbang.
JINGBANG n. (colloquial) company, collection.
JOHANNESjohannes n. An old Portuguese gold coin bearing a figure of John V of Portugal.
Johannes n. (Historical) A former Portuguese gold coin.
Johannes prop.n. A male given name from Late Latin Iōhannēs [in turn from Koine Greek Ἰωάννης, in turn from Biblical…
JONCANOEJONCANOE n. a boisterous West Indian dance, also JUNKANOO.
JUNKANOOjunkanoo n. A parade held in the Bahamas.
junkanoo n. (Music) A style of goombay traditionally played on goatskin drums and cowbells during the parade.
Junkanoo n. Alternative letter-case form of junkanoo.
NONMAJORnonmajor n. (US) A student who is not a major (specialist in one area).
NONMAJOR n. a student who is not majoring in a specific subject.
TJANTINGtjanting n. A pen-like tool used to apply liquid wax in the batik process.
TJANTING n. (Indonesian) a small tool used for applying hot wax to fabric in batik.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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