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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, H, U and Z

AZIMUTHSazimuths n. Plural of azimuth.
AZIMUTH n. (Arabic) the angle a celestial object makes from due north, when measured in an eastwards direction along the horizon.
BUZKASHIbuzkashi n. (Games, sports) A team sport originating in Central Asia, where the players, all on horseback, try to…
BUZKASHI n. (Persian) a game played in Afghanistan by teams of horsemen contesting for possession of a goat's carcass.
CHUTZPAHchutzpah n. (Informal) Nearly arrogant courage; utter audacity, effrontery or impudence; supreme self-confidence;…
CHUTZPAH n. (Yiddish) supreme self-confidence, also CHUTZPA.
CHUTZPASchutzpas n. Plural of chutzpa.
CHUTZPA n. (Yiddish) supreme self-confidence, also CHUTZPAH.
HALUTZIMhalutzim n. Plural of halutz.
HALUTZ n. (Hebrew) an early immigrant to Israel, who worked the first kibbutzim, also CHALUTZ.
HAZELNUThazelnut n. The fruit of the hazel tree.
hazel␣nut n. Alternative form of hazelnut.
HAZELNUT n. an edible nut.
HUMANIZEhumanize v. (Transitive) To make human; to give or cause to have the fundamental properties of a human.
humanize v. (Transitive) To make sympathetic or relatable.
humanize v. (Intransitive) To become humane or civilized.
HUZZAHEDhuzzahed v. Simple past tense and past participle of huzzah.
HUZZAH v. to give a shout of huzzah, also HUZZA.
HUZZAINGhuzzaing v. Present participle of huzza.
HUZZA v. to cheer.
MEZUZAHSmezuzahs n. Plural of mezuzah.
MEZUZAH n. (Hebrew) a small rolled parchment affixed to the doorposts in Jewish houses, in fulfilment of the Torah's command to inscribe God's words upon the doorposts of one's house, also MEZUZA.
SHIATZUSSHIATZU n. (Japanese) a massage technique using finger pressure at acupuncture centers, also SHIATSU.
ZUCHETTAzuchetta n. Alternative form of zucchetta (kind of squash).
ZUCHETTA n. (Italian) a round skullcap worn by Catholic clergy to indicate rank, also ZUCCHETTO, ZUCHETTO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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