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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, H, P and X

AMPHIOXIamphioxi n. Plural of amphioxus.
AMPHIOXUS n. (Greek) a fishlike creature, two or three inches long, found in temperate seas, aka lancelet.
ASPHYXIAasphyxia n. Loss of consciousness due to the interruption of breathing and consequent anoxia.
asphyxia n. Loss of consciousness due to the body’s inability to deliver oxygen to its tissues, either by the breathing…
asphyxia n. (Medicine, obsolete) A condition in which an extreme decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the…
CHAPEAUXchapeaux n. Plural of chapeau.
CHAPEAU n. (French) a hat.
EXOPHAGYexophagy n. (Rare) Cannibalism, of those outside a social group.
EXOPHAGY n. a cannibal custom of eating other than one's kin.
HARUSPEXharuspex n. A soothsayer or priest in Ancient Rome (originally Etruscan) who practiced divination by inspecting entrails.
HARUSPEX n. (Latin) a soothsayer of ancient Rome, also ARUSPEX.
HEXAPLARHexaplar adj. Being or relating to a Hexapla.
HEXAPLAR adj. relating to a hexapla, an edition of the bible in six languages, also HEXAPLARIAN, HEXAPLARIC.
HEXAPLAShexaplas n. Plural of hexapla.
Hexaplas n. Plural of Hexapla.
HEXAPLA n. (Greek) a book of six (especially Biblical) parallel texts.
HEXAPODShexapods n. Plural of hexapod.
HEXAPOD n. an animal with six feet, an insect.
HEXAPODYhexapody n. (Poetry, countable) Six metrical feet taken together, or included in one measure.
hexapody n. (Zoology, uncountable) The property of being a hexapod; six-leggedness.
HEXAPODY n. a line of verse with six feet.
HYPOXIAShypoxias n. Plural of hypoxia.
HYPOXIA n. a deficiency of oxygen in the body tissues, also HYPOXAEMIA, HYPOXEMIA.
PHYLAXISphylaxis n. (Medicine) Protection against infectious disease.
PHYLAXIS n. an inhibiting of infection by the body.
XENOPHYAxenophya n. (Biology) foreign particles found within an organism, such as sand grains.
XENOPHYA n. (Greek) elements of a shell or skeleton not secreted by the organism itself.
XERAPHINxeraphin n. Alternative form of xeraphim.
XERAPHIN n. (Portuguese) a former silver coin of Goa, also SERAFIN, SERAPHIN, XERAFIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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