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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, G, M and V

AMOOVINGAMOOVE v. (Spenser) to stir up, to rouse, also AMOVE.
GAVELMANgavelman n. (Law, historical) A tenant liable to tribute.
GAVELMAN n. a tenant holding land in gavelkind.
GAVELMENgavelmen n. Plural of gavelman.
GAVELMAN n. a tenant holding land in gavelkind.
GRAVAMENgravamen n. A grievance complained of.
gravamen n. The essence or ground of a complaint.
gravamen n. (By extension) The essence or most important aspect of a piece of writing, a point of argument, etc.; the gist.
IMPAVINGimpaving v. Present participle of impave.
IMPAVE v. to set in a pavement.
MANGROVEmangrove n. Any of various tropical evergreen trees or shrubs that grow in intertidal coastal brackish waters.
mangrove n. A habitat with such plants; mangrove forest; mangrove swamp; mangal.
mangrove n. Plants of the Rhizophoraceae family.
MARGRAVEmargrave n. (Historical) A feudal era military-administrative officer of comital rank in the Carolingian empire…
margrave n. (Historical) A hereditary ruling prince in certain feudal states of the Holy Roman Empire and elsewhere;…
MARGRAVE n. (German) a German nobleman of rank equivalent to an English marquess.
MEGAVOLTmegavolt n. One million (106) volts, abbreviated as MV.
mega-volt n. One million ( 106 ) volts, abbreviated as MV.
MEGAVOLT n. a unit of electromotive force.
SAVAGISMsavagism n. The state of being savage; wildness; lack of civilization.
SAVAGISM n. the state of being savage, also SAVAGEDOM.
VAGOTOMYvagotomy n. (Surgery) The surgical resection of the vagus nerve so as to reduce the secretion of acid in the stomach…
VAGOTOMY n. surgical division of the vagus nerve.
VAMOSINGvamosing v. Present participle of vamose.
VAMOSE v. to leave quickly, also VAMOOSE.
VAMPINGSvampings n. Plural of vamping.
VAMPING n. the patching of something.
VEGANISMveganism n. A way of life which strictly avoids use of any kind of animal products and services that are based on…
VEGANISM n. the practice of eating only plant products.
VENOGRAMvenogram n. (Medicine) An X-ray of a vein that has been injected with an opaque material.
VENOGRAM n. an X-ray of a vein.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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