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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, G, L and X

AXIOLOGYaxiology n. (Uncountable, philosophy) The study of value(s), as regards origin, nature, functions, types, and interrelations;…
axiology n. (Countable) The particular value-theory of a philosopher, school of thought, etc.
AXIOLOGY n. the science of the ultimate nature of values.
CLANGBOXCLANGBOX n. a deflector fitted to a jet engine to divert gas flow.
COXALGIAcoxalgia n. Pain in the hip.
COXALGIA n. pain in the hip, also COXALGY.
COXALGICcoxalgic adj. Relating to coxalgia.
COXALGIC adj. pertaining to pain in the hip.
EXALTINGexalting v. Present participle of exalt.
exalting adj. Of something that uplifts, that exalts.
EXALT v. to place in a high position.
EXERGUALexergual adj. Relating to the exergue.
EXERGUAL adj. relating to the exergue, the space on a coin, token or medal usually on the reverse below the date.
EXHALINGexhaling v. Present participle of exhale.
exhaling n. Exhalation.
EXHALE v. to breathe out.
FLEXAGONflexagon n. (Geometry) A flat model made from folded strips of paper that can be folded, or flexed, to reveal a…
FLEXAGON n. a folded paper construction.
FLUXGATEfluxgate n. (Physics) Any of several devices that use soft iron cores surrounded by coils of wire that generate…
FLUXGATE n. a device for measuring a magnetic field.
GALAXIESgalaxies n. Plural of galaxy.
GALAXY n. a large system of celestial bodies.
GLOXINIAgloxinia n. Any of the three species of South American plants of the genera Gloxinia in family Gesneriaceae.
gloxinia n. Brazilian gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa), a plant species formerly classified in the genus Gloxinia…
gloxinia n. Creeping gloxinia (Lophospermum erubescens), in the family Plantaginaceae.
HEXAGLOThexaglot adj. (Rare) In six languages.
HEXAGLOT n. a book written in six languages.
LEXIGRAMlexigram n. (Psychology) A symbol that represents a word but is not necessarily indicative of the object referenced…
LEXIGRAM n. a sign which represents a word.
LUXATINGluxating v. Present participle of luxate.
LUXATE v. to put out of joint.
MALAXAGEmalaxage n. The process of malaxating.
MALAXAGE n. the softening of clay by kneading it.
MALAXINGmalaxing v. Present participle of malax.
MALAX v. to soften by kneading, also MALAXATE.
MEGAPLEXmegaplex n. A large, multi-screen cinema.
MEGAPLEX n. a large building having many movie theaters.
RELAXINGrelaxing adj. Conducive to relaxation; helping one to relax.
relaxing v. Present participle of relax.
relaxing n. The process by which something is relaxed.
TAXINGLYtaxingly adv. In a taxing manner.
WRAXLINGwraxling n. (UK, dialect, archaic) wrestling.
WRAXLING n. the act of wrestling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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