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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, G and 2H

ALTHOUGHalthough conj. Though, even though, in spite of or despite the fact that: introducing a clause that expresses a concession.
although conj. But, except.
ALTHOUGH conj. despite the fact that.
HAGGADAHHaggadah prop.n. (Judaism) The text which is recited at Seder during the first and second nights of Passover, focused…
Haggadah prop.n. Alternative form of Aggadah; Talmudic parable.
HAGGADAH n. (Hebrew) the homiletic part of the Jewish scripture, also AGGADA, AGGADAH, HAGGADA.
HANCHINGhanching v. Present participle of hanch.
HANCH v. (Scots) to snap with the jaws.
HARSHINGharshing v. Present participle of harsh.
HARSH v. to cause (a state of elation) to be diminished or ended.
HASHINGSHASHING n. the process of converting items of data into numbers (hash totals) which are then used as index numbers.
HASHTAGShashtags n. Plural of hashtag.
HASHTAG n. a word or name preceded by a hash symbol used to indicate the contents of a message on a social media site.
HATCHINGhatching n. A method of shading areas of a drawing or diagram with fine parallel lines.
hatching n. A group of birds, reptiles, fish, insects, etc., which emerge from their eggs at the same time.
hatching n. The act of an egg hatching, eclosion.
HIGHBALLhighball n. A cocktail made from a spirit plus soda water etc.
highball n. (Rail transport, US) An all clear or full speed ahead signal.
highball n. (Climbing) A very high bouldering problem, often with a hard landing.
HIGHJACKhighjack n. Alternative spelling of hijack.
highjack v. Alternative spelling of hijack.
HIGHJACK v. to steal in transit, also HIJACK.
HIGHLANDhighland n. A high area; land that is higher than surrounding areas.
Highland adj. Of or related to Highland or the Highlands.
Highland prop.n. A council area in north-west Scotland, one of 32 created in 1996.
HIGHROADhighroad n. Alternative spelling of high road.
high␣road n. (Idiomatic) A course of action which is dignified, honourable, or respectable.
high␣road n. (Chiefly Britain) A main road or highway.
HIGHTAILhightail v. (Informal, chiefly North America, usually transitive) To move at full speed, especially in retreat.
HIGHTAIL v. to retreat rapidly.
HIGHWAYShighways n. Plural of highway.
HIGHWAY n. a major road.
HOGSHEADhogshead n. (Britain) An English measure of capacity for liquids, containing 63 wine gallons, or about 52+12 imperial…
hogshead n. A large barrel or cask of indefinite contents, especially one containing from 100 to 140 gallons.
HOGSHEAD n. a large cask.
MASHGIAHmashgiah n. (Judaism) Alternative spelling of mashgiach.
MASHGIAH n. (Hebrew) a person who ensures adherence to kosher rules, also MASHGIACH.
MESHUGAHmeshugah adj. Alternative form of meshugge.
OANSHAGHOANSHAGH n. (Irish) a foolish woman or girl.
SHANGHAIshanghai v. (Transitive) To force or trick someone to go somewhere or do something against their will or interest, particularly.
shanghai v. (Transitive) To commandeer, hijack, or otherwise (usually wrongfully) appropriate a place or thing.
shanghai n. (Often capitalized, dated) A breed of chicken with large bodies, long legs, and feathered shanks.
SHASHINGshashing v. Present participle of shash.
SHASH v. to provide with a sash.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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