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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, F, M and P

CAMPFIREcampfire n. A fire at a campground or on a camping trip, often used for cooking, to provide light and heat, to drive…
camp␣fire n. Alternative form of campfire.
CAMPFIRE n. a fire to sit round at camp.
FACEPALMfacepalm n. A gesture of bringing one or both palms to the face, with various interpretations.
facepalm v. To bring the palm of one’s hand to one’s face as an expression of mixed humor and disbelief, disgust…
facepalm v. To bring one’s face down to one’s cupped hand or hands.
FIREDAMPfiredamp n. (Mining) An inflammable gas (mostly methane) found in coal mines; forms an explosive mixture with air.
FIREDAMP n. a combustible mine gas, mainly methane, that can explode upon contact with a supply of oxygen.
FRAMPLERFRAMPLER n. (Scott) a brawler.
FRAMPOLDframpold adj. (England, regional) Bad-tempered, angry, disagreeable.
FRAMPOLD adj. (obsolete) peevish, intractable, also FRAMPAL.
MEGAFLOPmegaflop n. (Computing) megaflops (one million FLOPS, or floating point operations per second).
megaflop n. (Informal) A major flop; a film or other production that is a great failure.
MEGAFLOP n. a measure of computing speed in terms of number of floating point operations per second.
MUDFLAPSmudflaps n. Plural of mudflap.
mud␣flaps n. Plural of mud flap.
MUDFLAP n. a flap fixed behind the wheels of a vehicle.
NAPIFORMnapiform adj. (Botany) Shaped like a turnip; spherical at the top, but with a tapering bottom.
NAPIFORM adj. shaped like a turnip.
OFFRAMPSofframps n. Plural of offramp: alternative spelling of off-ramps.
off-ramps n. Plural of off-ramp.
OFFRAMP n. a road leading off an expressway.
PACIFISMpacifism n. The conviction that it is morally wrong to settle disputes (especially between countries) by war or…
pacifism n. (Video games, roguelikes) The additional challenge of winning a game without harming any enemy characters.
PACIFISM n. opposition to war or violence, also PACIFICISM.
PALIFORMpaliform adj. (Zoology) Resembling a palus.
PALIFORM adj. resembling a stake.
PALMFULSpalmfuls n. Plural of palmful.
PALMFUL n. as much as a palm can hold.
PARAFORMparaform n. Synonym of paraformaldehyde.
PARAFORM n. a substance used as an antiseptic.
PLANFORMplanform n. (Aviation) The shape and layout of a fixed-wing aircraft’s fuselage and wing.
PLANFORM n. the contour of an object as viewed from above.
PLATFORMplatform n. A raised stage from which speeches are made and on which musical and other performances are made.
platform n. A raised floor for any purpose, e.g. for workmen during construction, or formerly for military cannon.
platform n. (Figurative) A place or an opportunity to express one’s opinion.
PREFLAMEpreflame adj. Before the formation of a flame.
PREFLAME adj. preceding a flame.
PROFORMAproforma adj. Alternative spelling of pro forma.
proforma n. Alternative spelling of pro forma.
pro␣forma adj. Occurring, undertaken, or performed as a perfunctory matter, in the interest of form, or for the sake of formality.
RIFAMPINrifampin n. (Pharmacology) US form of rifampicin.
RIFAMPIN n. an antibiotic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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