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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, E and 2Y

ABEYANCYabeyancy n. (Rare) Abeyance.
ABEYANCY n. a state of suspension or temporary inactivity, also ABEYANCE.
ALLEYWAYalleyway n. A narrow street formed by the proximity of adjacent buildings.
alleyway n. A passage between two rows of cabins in a ship.
ALLEYWAY n. a narrow passageway, also ALLEY.
ASYNERGYasynergy n. Defective or absent coordination between organs, muscles, limbs or joints, resulting in a loss in movement or speed.
ASYNERGY n. lack of muscle coordination.
BAYBERRYbayberry n. (North America) The fruit of the wax myrtle shrub; or the plant itself (Morella cerifera), with aromatic…
bayberry n. The fruit of the bay laurel (Laurus nobilis).
bayberry n. West Indian bay tree (Pimenta racemosa), a tropical American shrub with aromatic leaves that are used…
BIYEARLYbiyearly adj. Occurring every two years; biennial.
biyearly adj. Occurring twice per year; biannual.
biyearly adv. Every two years; biennially.
CYCLEWAYcycleway n. Cycle path, cycle lane.
CYCLEWAY n. a path reserved for cyclists.
ENTRYWAYentryway n. An opening or hallway allowing entry into a structure.
ENTRYWAY n. a passage serving as an entrance.
EVERYDAYeveryday adj. Appropriate for ordinary use, rather than for special occasions.
everyday adj. Commonplace, ordinary.
everyday adv. Misspelling of every day. (Compare everywhere, everyway, etc.).
EVERYWAYeveryway adv. (Dated) In every way, however possible.
everyway adv. (Dated) In every direction.
EVERYWAY adv. all ways.
LAWYERLYlawyerly adj. Characteristic of, or suitable to, a lawyer.
LAWYERLY adj. like, or becoming, a lawyer.
LYRATELYlyrately adv. In a lyrate manner.
LYRATE adv. having the shape of a lyre, also LYRATED, LYRIFORM.
NAYSAYERnaysayer n. One who consistently denies, criticizes, or doubts; a detractor.
nay-sayer n. Alternative form of naysayer.
NAYSAYER n. one that denies or opposes something.
PANEGYRYpanegyry n. Obsolete spelling of panegyric.
panegyry n. Archaic Egyptological spelling of panegyris.
PANEGYRY n. a great assembly.
TAYBERRYtayberry n. A cultivated shrub of the genus Rubus fruticosus x idaeus, a cross between the blackberry (R. fruiticosus)…
tayberry n. Its fruit, a large sweet berry.
TAYBERRY n. a hybrid plant, a blackberry crossed with a raspberry.
VARENYKYvarenyky n. Boiled dumplings stuffed with potato, cheese, or other filling; a serving of these; plural of varenyk.
VARENYKY n. (Russian) Ukrainian stuffed dumplings.
WAYLAYERwaylayer n. A person who waylays someone.
WAYLAYER n. one who waylays.
YEASAYERyeasayer n. One whose attitude is positive, optimistic, confidently affirmative.
yeasayer n. (Derogatory) One who habitually agrees uncritically.
yea-sayer n. Alternative form of yeasayer.
YEASTILYyeastily adv. In a yeasty manner.
YEASTY adv. like yeast, also YESTY.
YEOMANLYyeomanly adj. Like a yeoman: stout and true.
yeomanly adj. Of or proper to the class of yeomen in British history.
yeomanly adv. Like a yeoman: stoutly and bravely.
YEOMANRYyeomanry n. (Historical) A class of small freeholders who cultivated their own land.
yeomanry n. A British volunteer cavalry force organized in 1761 for home defense and later incorporated into the Territorial Army.
YEOMANRY n. a collective body of yeomen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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