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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, B, F and G

AUFGABESAufgabes n. Plural of Aufgabe.
AUFGABE n. (German) a set experimental task in psychology.
BAFFLINGbaffling v. Present participle of baffle.
baffling adj. Puzzling, perplexing, bewildering.
baffling adj. Frustrating.
BERGFALLbergfall n. The fall of a mountain rock.
BERGFALL n. (German) a fall of mountain rock.
FABLINGSfablings n. Plural of fabling.
FABLING n. the telling of fables.
FATBERGSfatbergs n. Plural of fatberg.
FATBERG n. a large mass of fat and waste material in a sewerage system.
FAUBOURGfaubourg n. An outlying part of a city or town, beyond the walls; a suburb, especially of Paris.
FAUBOURG n. (French) a suburb just beyond the walls or a district recently included within a city.
FEEDBAGSfeedbags n. Plural of feedbag.
feed-bags n. Plural of feed-bag.
feed␣bags n. Plural of feed bag.
FILABEGSfilabegs n. Plural of filabeg.
FLEABAGSfleabags n. Plural of fleabag.
flea-bags n. Plural of flea-bag.
flea␣bags n. Plural of flea bag.
FOOTBAGSfootbags n. Plural of footbag.
FOOTBAG n. a small bag filled with pellets that is kept aloft with the feet.
FRABBINGfrabbing v. Present participle of frab.
FRAB v. (dialect) to worry.
GABFESTSgabfests n. Plural of gabfest.
GABFEST n. (slang) a gathering characterised by much talk and gossip.
GIFTABLEgiftable adj. That may be gifted; suitable for giving as a gift.
GIFTABLE n. something appropriate for a gift.
GOOFBALLgoofball n. (Informal, often derogatory, sometimes endearing) A foolish or silly person or animal.
goofball n. (Informal, pharmacology) A pill or tablet containing a pharmaceutical which has hypnotic or intoxicating…
goofball adj. (Informal) Silly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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