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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2A, M and V

AMADAVATamadavat n. An estrildid finch, Amandava amandava, of India and Southeast Asia, commonly kept and bred as a cagebird.
AMADAVAT n. (Hindi) the strawberry finch, a small Indian song bird, commonly caged and kept for fighting, also AVADAVAT.
ATAVISMSatavisms n. Plural of atavism.
ATAVISM n. the reappearance of ancestral characteristics.
GAVELMANgavelman n. (Law, historical) A tenant liable to tribute.
GAVELMAN n. a tenant holding land in gavelkind.
GRAVAMENgravamen n. A grievance complained of.
gravamen n. The essence or ground of a complaint.
gravamen n. (By extension) The essence or most important aspect of a piece of writing, a point of argument, etc.; the gist.
LAVAFORMlavaform adj. Resembling lava; in the form of lava.
LAVAFORM adj. in the form of lava.
MAILVANSmailvans n. Plural of mailvan.
MAILVAN n. any vehicle which carries public mail.
MALVASIAmalvasia n. A variety of grape, originally from the region of the Aegean, now used to make malmsey wine.
MALVASIA n. a type of grape from which malmsey is made.
MARAVEDImaravedi n. (Historical) A former Spanish coin and unit of currency, originally issued in gold but later in silver…
maravedi n. (Figurative) A very small quantity or value; the least possible amount.
MARAVEDI n. (Spanish) a former coin of Spain.
MARGRAVEmargrave n. (Historical) A feudal era military-administrative officer of comital rank in the Carolingian empire…
margrave n. (Historical) A hereditary ruling prince in certain feudal states of the Holy Roman Empire and elsewhere;…
MARGRAVE n. (German) a German nobleman of rank equivalent to an English marquess.
MAUVAISEMAUVAISE adj. (French) bad, wicked, also MAUVAIS.
NAVALISMnavalism n. Naval militarism.
NAVALISM n. the cult of naval supremacy.
SAMOVARSsamovars n. Plural of samovar.
SAMOVAR n. (Russian) an urn for making tea.
SAVAGISMsavagism n. The state of being savage; wildness; lack of civilization.
SAVAGISM n. the state of being savage, also SAVAGEDOM.
VAMBRACEvambrace n. (Historical) The piece of armor designed to protect the arm from the elbow to the wrist.
vambrace n. (Historical) The pieces of armor protecting the arm from the shoulder to the wrist.
VAMBRACE n. (historical) a piece of armour designed to protect the arm from the elbow to the wrist, also VANTBRACE, VANTBRASS.
VAMPLATEvamplate n. A round of iron on the shaft of a tilting lance, to stabilize and protect the hand.
VAMPLATE n. a hand guard.
VANADIUMvanadium n. A chemical element (symbol V) with atomic number 23; it is a transition metal, used in the production…
vanadium n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
VANADIUM n. a silvery metallic element.
VELAMINAvelamina n. Plural of velamen.
VELAMEN n. (Latin) a thin membranous covering or partition, also VELUM.
VIRAEMIAviraemia n. (Pathology) The condition or disease of having a virus in the bloodstream.
VIRAEMIA n. (Latin) the presence of viral particles in the blood, also VIREMIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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