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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2A, K and Z

ALKALIZEalkalize v. (Transitive) To cause to become alkaline, more basic and less acidic.
ALKALIZE v. to convert into an alkali, also ALKALISE, ALKALIFY.
BAZOOKASbazookas n. Plural of bazooka.
bazookas n. (Slang) breasts.
BAZOOKA n. a small rocket launcher.
GAZOOKASgazookas n. Plural of gazooka.
GAZOOKA n. a toy musical instrument, also KAZOO, GAZOO.
KAMIKAZEkamikaze n. An attack requiring the suicide of the one carrying it out, especially when done with an aircraft.
kamikaze n. One who carries out a suicide attack, especially with an aircraft.
kamikaze n. A vehicle used for a suicide attack, especially an aircraft.
KAZACHOCkazachoc n. Alternative form of kozachok.
KAZACHOC n. (Russian) a Russian folk dance in which high kicks are performed from a squatting position, also KAZACHOK, KAZATSKI, KAZATSKY, KAZATZKA.
KAZACHOKkazachok n. Alternative spelling of kozachok.
KAZACHOK n. (Russian) a Russian folk dance, also KAZACHOC, KAZATSKI, KAZATSKY, KAZATZKA.
KAZATSKIkazatski n. Alternative form of kazatsky.
KAZATSKI n. (Russian) a Russian folk dance, also KAZACHOC, KAZACHOK, KAZATSKY, KAZATZKA.
KAZATSKYkazatsky n. A squatting dance of Ukraine.
KAZATSKY n. (Russian) a Russian folk dance, also KAZACHOC, KAZACHOK, KAZATSKI, KAZATZKA.
KAZATZKAkazatzka n. Alternative form of kazatsky.
KAZATZKA n. (Russian) a Russian folk dance, also KAZACHOC, KAZACHOK, KAZATSKI, KAZATSKY.
MAZOURKAmazourka n. Dated form of mazurka.
MAZOURKA n. (Polish) a Polish dance, also MAZURKA.
MAZURKASmazurkas n. Plural of mazurka.
MAZURKA n. (Polish) a Polish folk dance, also MAZOURKA.
TZEDAKAHtzedakah n. (Judaism) The Jewish tradition of charity.
TZEDAKAH n. (Hebrew) charitable giving as a moral obligation among Jews.
ZAKOUSKAzakouska n. Alternative spelling of zakuska.
ZAKOUSKA n. (Russian) an hors d'oeuvre; a snack, also ZAKUSKA.
ZIGANKASzigankas n. Plural of ziganka.
ZIGANKA n. (Russian) a Russian country dance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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