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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2A, G and Z

AGATIZEDagatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of agatize.
AGATIZE v. to cause to resemble agate, also AGATISE.
AGATIZESagatizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of agatize.
AGATIZE v. to cause to resemble agate, also AGATISE.
ALGUAZILalguazil n. An officer of the law in Spain or Latin America.
ALGUAZIL n. (Arabic) a Spanish arresting officer, also ALGUACIL.
BIZNAGASbiznagas n. Plural of biznaga.
BIZNAGA n. a type of cactus, also BISNAGA.
GARBANZOgarbanzo n. An edible pulse, Cicer arietinum, of the family Leguminosae or Fabaceae and subfamilies Faboideae or…
garbanzo n. A seed of this plant; the chickpea.
GARBANZO n. (Spanish) a chickpea.
GAZABOESgazaboes n. Plural of gazabo.
GAZABO n. a fellow.
GAZANGEDGAZANG v. (of the seller of a house) to inconvenience (a potential buyer) by withdrawing from an agreement to sell shortly before the purchase is completed.
GAZANIASgazanias n. Plural of gazania.
GAZANIA n. any plant of the genus Gazania, with bright orange or yellow flowers.
GAZOOKASgazookas n. Plural of gazooka.
GAZOOKA n. a toy musical instrument, also KAZOO, GAZOO.
GAZPACHOgazpacho n. A cold soup of Spanish origin, made with olive oil, vinegar and raw vegetables such as tomatoes, garlic…
GAZPACHO n. (Spanish) a chilled soup with tomatoes, onion, green pepper, and herbs.
GRAZABLEgrazable adj. Alternative form of grazeable.
GRAZABLE adj. able to be grazed, also GRAZEABLE.
MAGAZINEmagazine n. A non-academic periodical publication, generally consisting of sheets of paper folded in half and stapled at the fold.
magazine n. (Military) An ammunition storehouse.
magazine n. A chamber in or attachable to a firearm enabling multiple rounds of ammunition to be fed into the firearm.
ORGANZASorganzas n. Plural of organza.
ORGANZA n. a transparent thin silk or nylon.
PAGANIZEpaganize v. (Transitive) To convert (someone) to paganism.
paganize v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To behave like a pagan.
PAGANIZE v. to make irreligious, also PAGANISE.
STARGAZEstargaze v. To look at the stars at night.
stargaze v. (Figuratively) To gaze engrossed with emotion or contemplatively.
STARGAZE v. to gaze at the stars.
ZAMPOGNAzampogna n. A kind of Italian double-chantered bagpipe.
ZAMPOGNA n. (Italian) an Italian bagpipe with two drones and two conical chanters, all in one stock.
ZASTRUGAzastruga n. Any of a series of long, wavelike ridges or grooves formed on a snow surface by the wind, especially in polar plains.
ZASTRUGA n. (Russian) long parallel ridges of snow that form on windy plains, also SASTRUGA.
ZIGANKASzigankas n. Plural of ziganka.
ZIGANKA n. (Russian) a Russian country dance.
ZYGANTRAzygantra n. Plural of zygantrum.
ZYGANTRUM n. (Greek) extra vertebral articulation in snakes and some lizards.
ZYGOMATAzygomata n. Plural of zygoma.
ZYGOMA n. (Greek) the cheekbone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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