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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, S, U and X

ANXIOUSanxious adj. Nervous and worried.
anxious adj. Having a feeling of anxiety or disquietude; extremely concerned, especially about something that will…
anxious adj. (Of things) Accompanied with, or causing, anxiety; worrying.
ARUSPEXaruspex n. Alternative form of haruspex.
ARUSPEX n. (Latin) a person who inspected the entrails of sacrificial victims in order to foretell the future, also HARUSPEX.
ASEXUALasexual adj. Nonsexual in nature, unmarked by sexual activity.
asexual adj. (Especially of a person) Not experiencing sexual attraction; lacking interest in or desire for sex.
asexual adj. (Biology) Lacking distinct sex, lacking sexual organs.
AUXESESauxeses n. Plural of auxesis.
AUXESIS n. a growth in tissue due to an increase cell size.
AUXESISauxesis n. (Rhetoric) A rhetorical device whereby the subject matter is made greater, particularly.
auxesis n. (Biology) Biological growth, (now usually restricted to) expansion or growth of an organism apart from…
auxesis n. (Chemistry) The condition of being auxetic.
EXACUMSEXACUM n. any plant of the tropical genus Exacum.
EXCUSALexcusal n. The act of excusing or of being excused.
EXCUSAL n. an acceptance of an excuse.
EXHAUSTexhaust v. (Transitive) To draw or let out wholly; to drain off completely (:liquid).
exhaust v. (Transitive) To empty by drawing or letting out the contents.
exhaust v. (Transitive, literally, figuratively) To use up; to deplete, drain or expend wholly, or until the supply…
GUANXISGUANXI n. (Chinese) a Chinese social concept based on the exchange of favours.
LUXATESluxates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of luxate.
LUXATE v. to put out of joint.
MAXIMUSMaximus prop.n. A male given name.
MAXIMUS n. a very long bell ringing sequence on twelve bells.
RESEAUXréseaux n. Plural of réseau.
RESEAU n. (French) a filter screen for making colour films.
SAXAULSsaxauls n. Plural of saxaul.
SAXAUL n. a low, thick, grotesquely contorted tree of the saltbush family found on the steppes of Asia, also SAKSAUL.
SAXTUBAsaxtuba n. An obsolete valved brasswind instrument inspired by the Ancient Roman cornu and tuba.
sax␣tuba n. (Music) saxhorn.
SAXTUBA n. a bass saxhorn.
SUBTAXAsubtaxa n. Plural of subtaxon (Elements within a taxon).
SUBTAXON n. a subdivision of a taxon.
UNTAXESuntaxes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of untax.
UNTAX v. to remit a tax on.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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