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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, 2S and Z

ASSIZEDassized v. Simple past tense and past participle of assize.
ASSIZE v. (obsolete) to assess, to fix the quantity of.
ASSIZERassizer n. An officer who has the care or inspection of weights and measures.
ASSIZER n. an officer in charge of weights and measures.
ASSIZESassizes n. Plural of assize.
assizes n. (Historical) The regional courts of Great Britain, which were replaced by the crown courts in 1971.
assizes n. A trial or hearing before such a court.
SAZHENSsazhens n. Plural of sazhen.
SAZHEN n. (Russian) a unit of length formerly used in Russia, equal to 7 feet.
SCAZONSscazons n. Plural of scazon.
SCAZON n. (Greek) a choliamb, also SCAZONTIC.
SCOZZASSCOZZA n. (Australian slang) a rowdy person, esp. one the worse for drink.
SLEAZESsleazes n. Plural of sleaze.
SLEAZE v. to behave in a sleazy, corrupt manner.
SLEAZOSsleazos n. Plural of sleazo.
SLEAZO n. a sleazy person.
STANZASstanzas n. Plural of stanza.
STANZA n. a division of a poem, also STANZE, STANZO.
STANZESSTANZE n. (Shakespeare) a stanza, also STANZO.
STANZOSstanzos n. Plural of stanzo.
STANZO n. (Shakespeare) a stanza, also STANZE.
VIZSLASvizslas n. Plural of vizsla.
Vizslas n. Plural of Vizsla.
VIZSLA n. (Hungarian) a Hungarian breed of hunting dog.
ZEBRASSzebrass n. A zeedonk.
ZEBRASS n. the offspring of a zebra and an ass.
ZOYSIASzoysias n. Plural of zoysia.
ZOYSIA n. a kind of perennial grass.
ZYMASESzymases n. Plural of zymase.
ZYMASE n. an enzyme that converts sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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