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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing A, O, Q and R

BAROQUEbaroque adj. Ornate, intricate, decorated, laden with detail.
baroque adj. Complex and beautiful, despite an outward irregularity.
baroque adj. Chiseled from stone, or shaped from wood, in a garish, crooked, twisted, or slanted sort of way, grotesque.
EQUATORequator n. (Geography, often “the Equator”) An imaginary great circle around Earth, equidistant from the two poles…
equator n. (Astronomy) A similar great circle on any sphere, especially on a celestial body, or on other reasonably…
equator n. The midline of any generally spherical object, such as a fruit or vegetable, that has identifiable poles.
OPAQUERopaquer adj. Comparative form of opaque: more opaque.
OPAQUE adj. impervious to light.
QUARTOSquartos n. Plural of quarto.
QUARTO n. a book size made by folding sheet into four leaves.
QUORATEquorate n. A quorum.
quorate adj. Having a quorum.
QUORATE adj. having a quorum.
RORQUALrorqual n. Any whale of family Balaenopteridae, with longitudinal skin folds running from below the mouth to the…
RORQUAL n. a large whale, a finback.
SQUALORsqualor n. Filthiness and degradation, as from neglect or poverty.
SQUALOR n. the state of being squalid.
VAQUEROvaquero n. (Southwestern US) A cowboy; a herdsman.
Vaquero prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
VAQUERO n. (Spanish) one who has charge of cattle, horses, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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