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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, K, Q and U

DIQUARKdiquark n. (Particle physics) The hypothetical state of two quarks grouped inside a baryon.
DIQUARK n. a low energy configuration of two quarks.
KUMQUATkumquat n. A small, orange citrus-like fruit which is native to Asia (Citrus japonica, syn. Fortunella japonica).
KUMQUAT n. (Chinese) any of several small yellow to orange citrus fruits with sweet spongy rind and somewhat acid pulp that are used chiefly for preserves, also CUMQUAT.
QAMUTIKqamutik n. An Inuit sled for travelling on snow and ice.
QAMUTIK n. (Inuit) a sled with wooden runners, also COMATIK, KAMOTIK, KAMOTIQ, KOMATIK.
QUACKEDquacked v. Simple past tense and past participle of quack.
QUACK v. to make the sound of a duck.
QUACKERquacker n. One who quacks.
quacker n. (Slang) A playing card with the rank of two; a duck.
quacker adj. (Nonce word, humorous) comparative form of quack: more quack.
QUACKLEquackle v. (Transitive, obsolete) To choke.
quackle v. (Intransitive, archaic) To make a quacking sound.
QUACKLE v. to choke; to suffocate.
QUAKERSQuakers n. Plural of Quaker.
Quakers prop.n. The Religious Society of Friends.
QUAKER n. one who quakes.
QUAKIERquakier adj. Comparative form of quaky: more quaky.
QUAKY adj. quaking, shaky.
QUAKILYquakily adv. In a quaky manner.
QUAKY adv. quaking, shaky.
QUAKINGquaking n. The action of the verb quake.
quaking adj. Shaking uncontrollably, especially due to fear or awe; trembling or shivering.
quaking v. Present participle of quake.
QUOKKASquokkas n. Plural of quokka.
QUOKKA n. (Native Australian) a small marsupial found in West Australia.
SQUARKSsquarks n. Plural of squark.
SQUARK n. the hypothetical boson analogue of a quark.
SQUAWKSsquawks n. Plural of squawk.
squawks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of squawk.
SQUAWK v. to utter a loud, harsh cry.
SQUAWKYsquawky adj. (Of a sound) Resembling a squawk; raw and grating.
squawky adj. Making squawking sounds.
SQUAWKY adj. shrill and grating.
SQUEAKSsqueaks n. Plural of squeak.
squeaks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of squeak.
SQUEAK v. to make a sharp, high-pitched sound.
SQUEAKYsqueaky adj. Tending to produce a high-pitched sound or squeak.
SQUEAKY adj. making a squeak.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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