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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, 2K and R

CHUKKARchukkar n. Alternative form of chukker.
CHUKKAR n. (Hindi) a period of play in polo, also CHUKKA, CHUKKER.
KAKUROSkakuros n. Plural of kakuro.
KAKURO n. a kind of logic puzzle, resembling a mathematical crossword.
KARAKASkarakas n. Plural of karaka.
KARAKA n. (Maori) a New Zealand tree with edible orange fruit whose seeds are poisonous until treated.
KARAKIAkarakia n. (New Zealand) Māori incantations and prayers, used to invoke spiritual guidance and protection.
KARAKIA n. (Maori) a prayer.
KARAKULkarakul n. A sheep of a Central Asian breed.
karakul n. A type of hat made from the wool of these sheep.
Karakul prop.n. A lake in Tajikistan.
KARAOKEkaraoke n. (Uncountable) A form of entertainment popular in clubs, at parties, etc, in which individual members…
karaoke n. (Countable) A karaoke session.
karaoke n. (Countable) A karaoke parlour.
KARKINGKARK v. (Australian slang) to break down, die.
KAYAKERkayaker n. One who kayaks.
KAYAKER n. one that rides in a kayak.
KHIRKAHkhirkah n. The robe or mantle worn by Muslim dervishes.
KHIRKAH n. a patchwork garment.
KIRKMANkirkman n. (Scotland) A clergyman or officer in a kirk.
kirkman n. (Scotland) A member of the Church of Scotland.
Kirkman prop.n. A surname.
KNACKERknacker n. One who makes knickknacks, toys, etc.
knacker n. One of two or more pieces of bone or wood held loosely between the fingers, and struck together by moving…
knacker n. A harness maker.
KRAKENSkrakens n. Plural of kraken.
KRAKEN n. (Norwegian) a legendary sea monster.
KUNKARSkunkars n. Plural of kunkar.
KUNKAR n. (Hindi) a limestone found in India, also KUNKUR.
MARKKAAmarkkaa n. Plural of markka.
MARKKA n. (Finnish) the standard monetary unit of Finland, also MARKA.
MARKKASmarkkas n. Plural of markka.
MARKKA n. (Finnish) the standard monetary unit of Finland, also MARKA.
ROKKAKUrokkaku n. A traditional six-sided Japanese fighting kite.
ROKKAKU n. (Japanese) a fighting kite.
SKANKERskanker n. Someone who dances the skank.
skanker n. (Jamaica) A dishonest person, a dissolute person.
SKANKER n. one who skanks, dances to reggae music.
SKYLARKskylark n. A small brown passerine bird, Alauda arvensis, that sings as it flies high into the air.
skylark v. (Dated, originally nautical) To jump about joyfully, frolic; to play around, play tricks.
SKYLARK v. to frolic.
YAKKERSyakkers n. Plural of yakker.
YAKKER n. (Native Australian) hard work, toil, also YACKER, YAKKA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 100 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: 45 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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