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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, J, L and U

AZULEJOazulejo n. A painted tin-glazed ceramic tile of a kind found in Spain and Portugal, often arranged to form geometric patterns.
AZULEJO n. (Spanish) a painted pottery tile.
BIJURALBIJURAL adj. pertaining to a single jurisdiction with two legal systems.
BLUEJAYbluejay n. Alternative spelling of blue jay.
blue␣jay n. A species of North American jay with blue feathering from the top of its head to midway down its back…
blue␣jay n. One of the blue-marked species of the Old World bird genus Coracias.
JALOUSEjalouse v. (Scotland, transitive) To suspect.
jalouse v. (Transitive, archaic) To be jealous of.
JALOUSE v. (Scots) to suspect, also JEALOUSE.
JAMBULSjambuls n. Plural of jambul.
JAMBUL n. (Sanskrit) the rose-apple tree of Malaysia, also JAMBOLAN, JAMBOLANA, JAMBOOL, JAMBU.
JARFULSjarfuls n. Plural of jarful.
JARFUL n. as much as a container can hold.
JARSFULjarsful n. Plural of jarful.
JARFUL n. as much as a container can hold.
JEALOUSjealous adj. Suspecting rivalry in love; troubled by worries that one might have been replaced in someone’s affections;…
jealous adj. Protective; zealously guarding; careful in the protection of something (or someone) one has or appreciates…
jealous adj. Envious; feeling resentful or angered toward someone for a perceived advantage or success, material or otherwise.
JEJUNALjejunal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the jejunum.
JEJUNAL adj. pertaining to the jejunum.
JOCULARjocular adj. Humorous, amusing or joking.
JOCULAR adj. given to joking.
JOURNALjournal n. A diary or daily record of a person, organization, vessel etc.; daybook.
journal n. A newspaper or magazine dealing with a particular subject.
journal n. (Accounting) A chronological record of payments or receipts.
JUGULARjugular adj. (Anatomy, relational) Relating to, or located near, the neck or throat.
jugular adj. (Zootomy, of fish) Having ventral fins attached under the throat.
jugular adj. (Humorous, relational) Relating to juggling.
JUMBALSjumbals n. Plural of jumbal.
JUMBAL n. a thin crisp sweet cake.
JURALLYjurally adv. In jural terms.
JURAL adv. pertaining to law.
JUVENALjuvenal adj. Of a young bird, that has its first flying plumage.
juvenal n. A juvenal bird.
juvenal n. (Obsolete) A youth.
WUDJULAWUDJULA n. (Native Australian) a non-aboriginal person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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