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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, H, Q and U

BUQSHASbuqshas n. Plural of buqsha.
BUQSHA n. a monetary unit of Yemen.
CHARQUIcharqui n. (South America, Central America, Western US) jerky.
CHARQUI n. jerked beef.
HAIQUEShaiques n. Plural of haique.
HAIQUE n. (Arabic) an Arab head covering, also HAIK, HAICK, HYKE.
QUAHAUGquahaug n. (Dated) Alternative form of quahog (“edible hard-shell clam, Mercenaria mercenaria, used in chowders”).
quahaug v. (Dated) Alternative form of quahog.
QUAHAUG n. (Native American) a kind of clam, also COHOG, QUAHOG, QUOHOG.
QUAHOGSquahogs n. Plural of quahog.
QUAHOG n. (Native American) a kind of clam, also COHOG, QUAHAUG, QUOHOG.
QUAICHSquaichs n. Plural of quaich.
QUAICH n. (Gaelic) a drinking-cup, also QUAIGH.
QUAIGHSquaighs n. Plural of quaigh.
QUAIGH n. (Gaelic) a drinking-cup, also QUAICH.
QUAMASHquamash n. Dated form of camas.
QUAMASH n. (Native American) a blue-flowered liliaceous plant of northwestern America, also CAMAS, CAMASH, CAMASS.
QUASHEDquashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of quash.
QUASH v. to set aside or annul.
QUASHERquasher n. One who quashes.
QUASHER n. one who quashes.
QUASHESquashes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quash.
QUASH v. to set aside or annul.
QUEACHYqueachy adj. Yielding or trembling under the feet, as moist or boggy ground; shaking; moving.
queachy adj. (Obsolete) Like a queach or thicket; thick, bushy.
QUEACHY adj. forming a thicket; boggy, also QUEECHY.
SQUASHYsquashy adj. Easily squashed when pressed.
squashy adj. Resembling a bog or marsh underfoot.
SQUASHY adj. yielding, soft and moist, also SQUISHY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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